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Clinton Acquitted?

Okay, I am like every other air-breathing american, I thought that it was a bit bogus to be trying to impeach the president when it was obvious that the cigar should have been on trial instead. That is not a concern of mine, it is the presidents, his try to score with every woman that he can, how else can he plan to gain respect as the leader of the free world?

What, are my views that strange? look back througout history, one of the main things that you will find out about all the rulers of other countries, and most of the rulers of ours as well, is that they liked their sex, and they liked it with lots of different women. This is just the first time that society has taken the time to frown upon the infidelity of it. Ancient empires, like Rome, for instance, always had a ruler that had his share of women. His share of sick and sadistic orgies, and killings, rapings.

All Clinton did was play "hide the cigar"!

Though I do not plan to say that it was morally right for the president to cheat on his wife, and all the lying to the grand jury about bompin' a fat chick, what I will do is say this. To me it seems so insignificant in the light of all the good things that have happened since he has been in office...Though the republicans try to take credit for it, the budget is balanced, and beyond that there is a surplus...There is a health care policy that will help almost everyone, and welfare now has limitations to eliminate fat, ugly, lazy women who spit out kids to collect checks. So he did a fat chick....big deal

BUT ( there is always a but when I start going on one of my topics ) How much do you think we (the taxpayers) had to pay independent counsel Kenneth Starr for his like year and a half investigation? How many bills were slowed from passing by the smoke screen that said individual was blowing right out of his ass? I think that he should be the one on trial, not the president, and he should be convicted, and beyond that, I think that there should be a class action lawsuit involving every single person in the US to convict him and make him pay restitution for every penny that came from taxes in his so-called investigation.....As I said before THE CIGAR SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON TRIAL!

But what will happen of all of this? nothing Sadly, nothing. In fact, here is my scenario of what will actually happen over the course of the next few years....
Clinton will believe that he got away with it, and continue to violate interns with foreign objects...
Kenneth Starr will get funding to investigate an ashtray at La Guardia airport for causing lung cancer in over two-thousand people...
Monica Lewinski will buy cigars by the case...
The public will all but forget about the entire thing...

And one more thing, I think that the Presidential Seal will probably have a cheap bumper sticker stuck onto it that reads "No Fat Chicks"