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Brethren of the Midnight Shadow

These are two of my favorite image links for the web ring. You may use either of these, or create your own, I do ask that you keep the eight different links in it if you do so. Look at the first, then the second, and decide on one. (if you decide that the ones I have listed are not suited to your site, E-mail me the one you create and I will add it to the cut-and-paste list)

This is the first

This Brethren of the Midnight Shadow site owned by shadowtwin.
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Want to Join the Brethren of the Midnight Shadow?

All you have to do to join the ring is Submit your site. Then just put the html coding into your page, all you have to do is copy the html code below, and replace the big blue X's with the site id number you get from the submit page, and change the Email address and name (also highlighted in blue) to your own name and email address. For now, I will leave the image on my page and let you link to it, but when I get one that may be permanent, I might ask for you to upload it to your own server. Well, what are you waiting for?

<--Start copying below this line-->

<center> <img src=""><br>
This <a href="" target="_top">Brethren of the Midnight Shadow</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:Your Email address">Your Name</a> <br>
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<--end copying above this line-->

Here is one in a bitmap form if you are keeping your page very tight...

This Brethren of the Midnight Shadow Site is owned by  Shadowtwin
Want to join the Join the ring?

Want to use it? Follow the instructions..

First, of course, you have to be in the ring, if you are not a member yet, then you need to go here. Join Ring

You need to right click the image to save it to your disk, if you are unable to upload, you may link to it from my server (if you are capable of uploading files, please do so), then upload the file to your directory. NOTE in the html I am using my directory as an example, and the image is in a sub-file called "images"...It may differ on your server.

Unfortunately, that was the easy part, now comes the html for the bitmap. If you are new to html or bitmap, I strongly suggest that you stay with one of the other banners. Bitmaps are not easy to create, and must ALWAYS be kept their original size, or else the links on them become useless. If you want to use the bitmap, copy and paste the following code.

Additionally there are parts in the code that are high-lighted in blue, those are the parts that you need to change..But if you are new to html you need to only see the pattern (the color will not be the same when you paste it to your page) after it says "&id=" change the X to the number that was given to you. And in the email part, the email address must be enterd in the "" or "" and it shouuld be your address -if you wish to get mail from persons who use this ring- and the name must be changed to your own

<----start copying below this line---->
<map name="Shadowmap"> <area shape="rect" coords="112,1,356,73" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="2,18,92,35" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="2,36,89,54" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="2,0,80,16" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect"" coords="412,2,462,17" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="2,55,87,72" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="397,18,460,36" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="416,37,463,53" href=""</a>

<area shape="rect" coords="423,56,460,74" href=""</a>
<center>This <a href="">Brethren of the Midnight Shadow</a> Site is owned by  <a href="mailto:Your Email address">Your Name Here</a>

<img src="" border="0" usemap="#Shadowmap">
<br>Want to join the <a href="">Join</a> the ring? </center>
<----end copying above this line---->
