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Why ASU is Poo Poo.......

A University of Arizona (UA) student and an Arizona State University (ASU) student were each
Driving along a deserted stretch of road in the middle of the night, when a coyote ran out into the
Middle of the road, causing the UA student to swerve and crash head-on into the oncoming ASU student's car.
The crash was spectacular, with glass and vehicle parts flying hundreds of yards in all directions.

Fortunately for both students, they were both wearing their seatbelts and driving cars with airbags.
So slowly, the UA student and the ASU student crawled out of the crumpled heaps of metal that
Used to be their cars and stood in the middle of the road staring at the wreckage.
Neither one had a scratch on him. "Wow, what a crash!" said the ASU student.

"Yeah," replied the UA student. "We're both lucky to be alive!"
With that said, the UA student walked over to his trunk, opened it up and, amidst the jumbled
Assortment of groceries he was returning home with, found a brand new bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey,
Unscratched by the accident. He took the bottle, opened it and returned to where the ASU student was standing.

"Since we are both so lucky to be alive, I believe we should both toast our good fortune!"
Said the UA student. Immediately, the ASU student grabbed the bottle from the UA student's hand
Tipped it back, shouted "Cheers!" and chugged down nearly half the bottle.
As he handed it back to the UA student he said, "There, I've made my toast.
Now it's your turn!"

The UA student looked over at him, smiled and replied,
"No thanks, I think I'll just wait for the cops to get here."

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