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a higher power

i must take myself to a higher power
to a passage i've not traveled before
losing my fears and apprehensions
warily i must open that door

for too long, people have said to get out
that i need to relearn love and play
with positive insight come negative comments
those caustic comments hold me at bay

i've tried for so long to become so much stronger
to allay those burdensome fears
coming to realize all those past moments
the two years worth of such useless tears

i talk, they don't listen, they just can't understand
what my heart feels they simply cannot see
that my life without you is so incomplete
the day you left i just ceased to be

i know that i shall not ever love again
with the depth and passion i held for you
to give up would be to sell myself short
i must learn to my own self be true.....

yet how to i do that without you?

i must keep in mind that somehow, somewhere, there is a higher power

simply sam

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Sherry A.M. Guzman aka simply sam

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