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my little Ryan

he came into this world
a born fighter, yes really trying
he made it, let me introduce you
Hello World, here's my son Ryan
he came to us too early
seems he just didn't plan to wait
but God smiled down upon us
and a miracle sealed his fate......

beautiful blue eyes
a tiny button nose
hair of strawberry wheat
a miracle, this man knows
he fills my days with sunshine
with his sisters by his side
if ever i had a reason
my children fill me with pride
if ever i am tired
for the day has been too long
i simply glance at my children
through them, i again am strong
what a boastful father
some of you may say
i only wish this for you
this happiness in your day!!!!!

dedicated to my brother Freddie and baby boy, Ryan and family

simply sam

Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Sherry A. McMenemy Guzman aka simply sam

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