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what i am saying

there is so much i'd like to say to you
yet the words just don't flow easy
is there some unknown solution
perhaps a magical rhyme
with a lot of effort
and the passing of time

need to find some way to put it forth
help you to see what i am saying
perhaps it's better left untouched
no real need for you to see
is something be gained
giving to you from me

the feelings i have are ones with conviction
they are instilled deep within my heart
therefore a compelling urge to share with you
but each time i've had a faulty start
you've taken things wrong
it has fallen apart

so where do we begin?
perhaps we do not?

but i hate when things end poorly, it's as though i've failed.....

simply sam

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Sherry A.M. Guzman aka simply sam

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