Jamie Brayden - Music from the Heart
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          This page is an EASTER present for
          my Granddaughter, ASHLYN.
          She loves to sit on my lap and surf
          the INTERNET with me.
          She especially likes to see herself on the "T.V."....!

          And if you haven't noticed already, I LOVE to show her off. Just a typical Gramma AHEM...JAM-MA I guess.(Who me, TYPICAL? NEVER ! )


            This is Ashlyn and her Grampa.
            She LOVES her Grampa ALOT!

          ~Ashlyn & Grampa at the Grand Canyon~



          ASHLYN loves to draw.
          She drew this picture of me.
          Notice how all her drawings have smiles!!!


          ASHLYN ROSE was born on December 29, 1993.
          I had NO DOUBT that she would be a girl.
          She's just what I ordered!
          Golden hair, Blue eyes, Dimples
          and a personality that just won't quit!

          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


          The music on this page is "The Macarena" because Ashlyn LOVES to dance to it.
          It doesn't matter where she is either.
          She can be in a Restaurant or the store or anywhere!
          She doesn't even really need the music!



          (Ashlyn also LOVES Dragons!)


          YEEEEEE-HAAAAAA !!!!!!
          Here's our little Arizona Cowgirl.
          Ashlyn loves animals and says she
          wants to be a Veterinarian
          when she grows up.


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