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Beast Wars-Japan

This page will have all the news about Beast wars-Japan, Show ,The Toy Line and etc

January 20

Botcon japan 1998 toy are Grizzly-1(repaint of Polar Claw) and Double punch(repaint of Scorponok)info from botcon page.

The new Toys for next year are:

Thanks to dave for the names of the new Beast wars Neo toys

Could be Release in February

C-29 Longrack (Giraffe)
C-30 Corahda (Cobra)
C-31 Stampy (Rabbit)
C-32 Break (Penguin)
C-33 Rockbuster (Crab)
C-34 Randy (Boar)
C-35 Big Convoy (Mammoth)
S-3 Heinlad (Raccoon)

D-29 Guiledart (Triceratops)
D-30 Saberback (Stegosaurus)
D-31 Sling (Dimetrodon)
D-32 Dead End (Ammonite)
D-33 Hydrar (Pteranodon)
D-34 Crazybolt (Frillnecked Lizard)
D-35 Magmatron (3 combined Dinosaurs)

November 17

The Four Cyborg Beasts, They are HellScream (Repaint of Cybershark), Max B(Repaint of K-9) ,Dirge Gun(repaint of Buzz saw) Thrustor(repaint of Dinobot) These Character look amazing if i get a picture i will put it up.

Another New Character in the Show Is Takotank and Ikad . Ikad and driver are Cousin Scuba, in the Show.Takotank is a Tank,

Gigastorm is a new Character in the Show(well The Deal is Megastorm got rebuild in to Gigastorm)

The movie Should Come out In December.It is during this movie that Transmetals and Fuzors Might be introduced to Japanese Transformers fans .

There are the Names Of some BW2 Episode
1. The New Army is Here!
2. White Lion, Run!
3. Bighorn's Fury
4. Lake Trap
5. Galvatron Revived
6. Mystery of the Ancient Ruins
7. The Insectrons Arrive
8. Friend or Foe? Insect Robo
9. The Strongest Tag Team?
10. Autorollers, Roll Out!
11. Danger! Scissorboy
12. Galvatron Runs Wild
13. Predacon General Offensive!
More Episode names will Come.
Thanx to david lau for the pictures

