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This section is for Fan fiction storys of Beast wars

our Next Fan Fiction It's was Written ByMouse ""

"The Deliverence"
The Deliverance


Disclaimer: Beast Wars, Beasties, and things related (with exception of Cheethra)Belong to several toy companies (I'm not sure which) and Mainframe entertainment (I think)


Cheetor paced back and forth, and back and forth.

Rattrap watched growing sicker and sicker. "Would'ya knock it off? You're making me sea sick."

Rattrap complained. "Sorry, but I can't. I'm really excited!"

"About what?"

"I DUNNO!!!" Cheetor exclaimed happily. Optimus walked into the room.

"Rhinox, please scan for stasus pod." He said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"There are no stasus pods around, Optimus," Rhinox replied.

"That! That is what I could be excited about!" Cheetor said. He felt positive that something good was about to happen.

"Wait! Wait! There is a stasus pod entering the atmosphere! But it's... different," Rhinox said confused.

"No time for that. When should we expect it?" "Anytime now. It's speed is eratic. It's speeding up and slowing down. Speeding up. Slowing down

Speeding up. Faster. Faster. What the-? It's almost stopped in mid-air!" Cheetor maximized and crowded around the small viewing screen.

"Lemme see! LEMME SEE!" He cried.

"Cheetor, you and Rattrap go get that stasus pod. I'll call Black Arachnia and Silver Bolt back to base. I want to know if they have had any luck with Depth Charge, anyway."

"We're on it, Big Bot," said Cheetor enthusiasticaly. Cheetor and Rattrap ran out of the Maximal base.

Cheetor flew into the air, while Rattrap raced along the ground. Finaly, the stasus pod came into view. Cheetor and Rattrap could see Inferno and Tarantulas racing towards the stasus pod.

They were just within firing range. "Not this time," Cheetor said to himself. He pulled out his blaster and started to shoot the Predacons.

Inferno flew up, to blast Cheetor. He flew up to slowly, and Cheetor saw him coming. Cheetor quickly blasted him, and Inferno lost balance.

He tilted alarmingly downwards, and Cheetor blasted the rocket booster that was keeping Inferno in the air. Inferno crashed to the ground. Cheetor watched as the red ant bot spiraled towards the ground.

"Oh NO! RATTRAP! LOOK OUT!" Cheetor screamed and flew down as fast as he could. Inferno was headed straight for Rattrap, with his blaster aimed right at Rattrap.

Cheetor screamed a warning again. Rattrap finally realized what was happening, and moved out of the way. Unfortunately, Tarantulas shot Rattrap while he was moving away, and Rattrap flew back right in the way of Inferno.

Inferno shot the fallen bot four times before crashing to the ground, inches behind Rattrap. Cheetor landed on the ground and ran behind a large rock.

He counted to three in his head, before stepping out from behind the rock and blasting Tarantulas, who was already at the stasus pod.

Tarantulas set one hand down on the stasus

pod. The minute he did so, a wild blue blast shot out from the stasus pod, forcing everything around the stasus pod flying back. Tarantulas flew back and slammed into a tree.

"Predacon form in vicinity." The stasus pod said in a mechanical voice. A rising sound was heard, and a beam shot out,

striking the stunned bot, until he completly blacked out. "Predacon form in need of repairs. Predacon spark will fade in

approximately four megacycles if repairs are not given." The stasus pod said. Cheetor approached the stasus pod. Nothing happened. He touched it. "Maximal form detected. Maximal presence interfering with process. Imperative that Maximal form leave immediatly, or spark will fade." Cheetor didn't know what to do.

This had never happened before. Cheetor transformed back into beast mode and raced of to find Rattrap. He found the bot badly damaged but not dead, trapped by the leg under a rock.

"Don't worry Rattrap, I'll get you out of here," Cheetor said, transforming back.

"Kid? Is that you? Well you better get me out." Rattrap replied with a smile. "What happend with the pod?" He asked his smile


"I don't know! I can't get to it!" Cheetor said. He pushed the rock of Rattrap's leg. "Can you walk?" Cheetor asked.

"No, I can't," Rattrap said after trying to stand. "I'm taking you back to base for repairs." Cheetor said to Rattrap.

"We can't just leave the pod there!" Rattrap exclaimed. "Rattrap, look. There's something weird about that pod. See that?" Cheetor asked, pointing to Tarantulas, who was still unconcious.

"Yeah. Looks like you got him pretty good, kid." "That's just the thing! I didn't do it! The stasus pod has, like, kind of it's own security system!" Rattrap stared at him.

"You don't believe me, do you? Fine, I'll prove it to you!" Cheetor picked up a rock, and threw it at the stasus pod.

A stream of blue light zapped the rock. The vertex of the blue light was coming from the center of the stasus pod. With the vortex of the light staying in the center of the pod, it arched over the pod until the tip of the light was reaching about four inches away from the pod. The had been disintegrated the minute the beam had touched the rock.

Now that the beam was pointing away from the pod, the rock pieces reformed and the light cut off. The rock fell to the ground. Rattrap stared unblinking at the pod. Meanwhile, Inferno was creeping up behind him.

"Maximal forms beware. Predacon approaching. Preparing to fire." The pod said. Cheetor and Rattrap looked behind them and saw Inferno.

"FOR THE COLONY!!!" Inferno cried, raising a large rock over Cheetor's head. Cheetor and Rattrap dived to the ground.

The stasus pod fired a long blue blast and struck Inferno right in the chestplate. "See?" Said Cheetor. Rattrap shook his head. Cheetor transformed back into beast mode, and Rattrap got on his back, holding his bad leg.

They flew back to base via Air Cheetor.

* * *

"What do you mean, self security device?" Optimal Optimus asked Rattrap and Cheetor. Rattrap sighed, and gave Cheetor a pathetic look.

Cheetor went back and explained everything from the top. All the Maximals were sitting down discussing what to do, when something happened.

The door to the Maximal base opened. The Maximals all reached for their weapons. A cheetah walked in through the door. Cheetor's mouth dropped open.

"What did we say about inviting friends over, kid?" Said Rattrap. Cheetor just looked at him blankly. "Would this be the Maximal base?" Asked the cheetah, who was obviously the new Maximal.

The cheetah transformed. Cheetor's eyes grew very large. The cheetah, number one, was female. Number two, was good looking. Or to Cheetor, at least. "Yes. Welcome new Maximal." Optimus said, stretching his hand out. The cheetah shook his hand firmly, and surveyed the room.

"My name is Cheethra, the Chosen One." She noticed Cheetor's mouth hanging open. "Have I chosen the wrong form?" she asked.

"No, you chose the absolute correct form," Cheetor said. "MROW!" Cheetor cried, as Rattrap slapped the back of his head.

Black Arachnia and Silverbolt exchanged looks. Depth Charge, who had remained silent until now, walked up to the new Maximal.

"So, you have come. I trust you remember your mission?" Depth Charge asked. Cheethra stood up straight and soluted Depth Charge.

"I do." She replied.

"Good. Is your pod alright?"

"No. It was programed as auto-destructable upon emergeing."

"Slag. Explain to them everything that shall happen. I will be waiting near the water." Depth Charge said as he left.

"Yes." She said and watched him go. "I wish to explain to you who I am. I am the Chosen One, of great mythology.

Have you heard of the great battle?" She asked. "Yes." Optimus replied.

"Have you heard of the deliverence?"


"There was to be a breakthrough in the great battle by a Maximal. It was to create a new form of fighting in the great battle.

My spark was chosen. I called upon sparks in the Matrix to guide me. Heroic warriors, great philosiphers. They would speak to me.

Your Tigertron was my mentor. His spark lives in the Matrix. The blast sent his spark right through his body, though Air Razor still lives on another planet. Which one, I am not sure."

"You said you 'call upon sparks in the Matrix.' How?" Rhinox asked.

"Through a device, that has since been stolen by the Predacons. Fortunately, the device is heavily encrypted in Maximal coding: not even the best de-coders can get through." She said. "I would like to have all of you follow me to the water edge.

I must show something." Cheethra left the Maximal base, Cheetor on her heels. Optimus followed, Rattrap and Rhinox close behind.

BlackArachnia and Silverbolt took up the rear. "My lady, I believe Cheetor will no longer be pestering you. The kid seems to have another on his mind."

Silverbolt said."I hope you're right. He was really starting to get on my nerves."

* * *

"I have three animal forms. A land form, a water form, and an air form. The land form needed to be compatible with Cheetor, because he is my receiver.

I needed a water form, so I could be with Depth Charge, because he is my Commander. I needed an air or flying form, because of a special command I will need to carry out during my mission here on Earth." "What do you mean by receiver, Cheethra?" Black Arachnia asked.

"My final command will be a suicide mission. I will give all the important information to Cheetor. He is the Reciever of information."

She explained. Cheethra quickly transformed back into maximized form, and opened a latch on her arm. She pressed a few buttons, and said: "water form. Convert to mode 2b."

"Conversion complete ready on command." The computer beeped back.

"Cheethra, water form, Delfina. 2b form water. Beast mode!"Cheethra changed into her cheetah form, and leaped into the water.

All the Maximals watched in awe as she changed her beast form into that of a dolphin. She dove far down into the water, Cheetor couldn't believe what was happening. He had never seen a bot do that. From the look on everyone's faces, they hadn't seen that before. Cheethra (or was it Delfina?) had been down there a long time.

Cheetor looked down through the water, and found a sliver of silver gray propelling through the water. The sliver grew larger and larger. She was coming back up! He took a couple steps back.

The next thing they knew, she flew out of the water. As she was coming back up, she cried out some more commands. First, she maximized. Then: "Delfina, land form, Cheethra. 2a form land. Beast mode!" She changed back into a cheetah, right before their very eyes. She landed unfortunately on Rattraps tail.

"YAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" Rattrap screamed in pain.

"I am dreadfully sorry, but next time, please move out of the way of my landing."


