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-This is the place where you can find all the BEAST WARS NEWS
February 10
Fox will be air two beast wars show.One Called Beast Hunters and the ofter Beast wars.

cybersharks should be in stores soon

The First wave of transmetal 2 toy have been seen in Canada.


As the Transformers mark 15 years of continuous toy success, the clash between science and nature has evolved into the next level of Beast Wars Transformers -- the Transmetals II, a colorful new breed of cyber-organic heroic MaximalsÔ and evil PredaconsÔ . Supported by the CGI Emmy award-winning animated syndicated TV show, Beast Wars Transformers will be getting stronger as all new programming moves to Fox Kids network five days a week beginning in September 1999.

Basic Beast Assortment Stinkbomb, Spittor - May 1999 Night Glider, a flying squirrel (available August 1999)

Deluxe Beast Assortment

Prowl (owl), Scourge (locust) (Available May 1999), and Cackle (hyena), Iguanas (iguana) (available August 1999).

Mega Beast Assortment

Availability: Cybershark - January 1999, Blackarachnia - May 1999

Ultra Beast Assortment

Availability: Megatron June 1999, Tigerhawk June 1999

January 30

Shadow Panther is available at

Transmetal 2 Toys Might be available in Feburary in Canada.

Feral Scream Part One Was shown today on FOX and boy was it amazing. Next week will be part two I can't wait

January 26

Beast Wars 2 Japan Lioconvoy is now available at the site for $35.Shadow Panther (Cheetor repaint) is coming soon.

January 20

Season 4 of Beast wars will be called Beast Wars Generation 2

January 19

-Wal-mart may release a Exclusive Beast Wars toy.The toy is a repaint of Rattrap,It's red Chrome is now a blue and green color.NOTE in the Picture it had the name rattrap on the Toy But they can still change The name.

Feral Scream part one will air January 30/31 on fox

Feral Scream part two will air February 6/7 on fox

In February, YTV will start to Show Season 3.NOTE It Might Be The 3rd or 6th of February

January 14
I'm back from my long Vacation I hope to get more Images and This page will be update more ThanX

MicroZone who first reported the transformers comic is now saying the deal is DEAD

The Transmetal 2 toys have made they way cross the USA but no sign of them in Canada

There was a rumor of a cg beast wars Movie but mainframe said this rumor is false and they have no plans to made a Beast wars movie

December 22
The New Transmetal 2 toys have come out just in time for the holidays season
(Thanx to The Axalon for The pictures)

