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Beast Wars Have Begun And so did the Toy line,and here is where you can find the latest toys and you can find their Tech specs + review of the Toy and much more
The one's in blue are the one you can find in the store the one's inBronze are Botcon toys that are hard to find
This page was updated July 31
The Beast wars Have Start at first it was just Regular Animals but now it has changed forever in two different line FUZOR AND TRANSMETAL
I will have there Tech specs and Reveiw really soon
Regular Line:
Optimus primal (Bat) and Megatron(croc) with Comic
Optimus Primal(bat)
Function:Maximal General
The maximal and I have No Choice but to stop Megatron and his Predacon minions before they destroy us all! Freedom may be the right of all sentient beings, but to protect the greater good we must Vanquish the earth from these evil Predacon creatures
Str:10 Int:10 Spd:10 End:10 Rank:10 Firep:10 Skill:10


Function:Predacon Commander
"Prosper or perish is the Predacon way of life, and we plan to survive by driving the Maximals into extinction!That bat-brained Optimus Primal Thinks he can challenge our Strenght, but he has yet to feel the painful punishment I'll give him as I sink my teeth into his furry flesh!
Str:10 Int9 Spd:10 End:10 Rank:10 Cour:9 Firep:9 Skill:10

Reveiw : the two toy are o.k. but it did not make me think that the two are different charater from the Oringal Optimus Prime and Megatron These two Start the Beast wars a Best toys ever and they come with a comic book tells us the history of beast wars different from the show i would give These toys

6 out 10
Function:Frontline Combat
As if torn fromthe page of earths prehistoric past,a velociraptor Breathes again!Dinobot is a robot in Disguise Battling beside his Heroic teammates,the Maximal armed with a spinning cyber-slash tail weapon, he is always hungry for battle.
Str:8 int:5 Spd:9 End:5 rank:6 cour:9 Firep:6 Skill:6
Review:the is one of the best toys that i saw he look nothing like dinobot from the show but his beast mode to good but they could change a thing or two but his robot mode is pretty good 7 out 10
Function:Jungle Patrol
Like a bolt of greased lightning. Cheetor strikes fast and strikes hard. Quiet and confident with incredible reflexes,he is equally effcient when battling in robot mode or in his artificially enhanced organic earth form.
str:6 Int:5 Spd:10 End:8 rank:9 cour:9 firep:7 skill:7
Scouts city streets for predacons enemies. A top-notch soldier,his fellow maximals rely on his reconnaissance reports to locate enemy outposts.
Str:6 Int:7 Spd:8 End:5 rank:5 Cour:8 Firep:6 Skill:7
Stubborn,Aggressive,this infantry soldier has the power of a predacon twice his size! Even his fellow maximals try to stay on his good side although he would never dare to disobey a direct order from Optimus Primal
Str:9.2 Int:6.2 Spd:4.5 End:8.1Rank:5.6 Cour:10 Firep:6.3 Skill:7.9
Function:Aerial Combat
This organically enhanced robot warrior is seldom seen...........until it's to late! Megatron personally supervised his genetically engineered creation,ensuring his devastating aerial combat efficiency
Str:6 Int:5 Spd:8 End:4 Rank:6 Cour:7 Firep:5 Skill:6
Function: Ninja Warrior
An eight-armed master of the martial arts, this ninja nightmare slashes his way through battle virtually unstoppable! The heroic Optimus Primal suspects him of being responsible for the disappearances of numerous earthlings, and recent rumors suggest the existence of giant cocoons where Tarantulas may store his unfortunate prey. He must be stopped before he spins his web of terror across the galaxy!
Str 8 Int 4 Spd 7 End 6 Rank 5 Cour 7 Firep 7 Skill 8
His intarnal inteligence processors are specifically programmed for combat sabotage.If Optimus Primal installs an infrared detection dish near a Predacon outpost, Iguanus will alter it to self-destruct when fired
Str:5 Int:8 Spd:7End:5 Rank:5Cour:7 Firep:6 Skill:6
Function: Aerial attack
Suddenly from the sky a giant wasp appears,revealing its monstrous face and bulging eyes as it streaks down for an aerial attack! the Waspinator launches its sercet wing missiles,striking the helpless victims below with his poisonous power of a robotic cyber-sting!
Str:8 Int:5 Spd:8 End:5 Rank:6 Cour:7 Firep:7 Skill: 6
Polar Claw
Function:Infantry Battle commander
Str:9 Int:7Spd:4 End:6 Rank:8 Cour:9 Firep:8 Skill:7
Function:Desert Attack commander
str:8 Int:5 Spd:5 End:7 Rank:6 Cour:7 Firep:9 Skill:8
Courageous and cunning, Rhinox has never backed down from battle nor been injured in any way.not even Double-barreled laser cannons can cut through his triple-thick,steel-plated skin! If he comes your way,run for cover..................Fast!
Str:9 Int:6 Spd:3 End:9 Rank:5 Cour:10 Firep:6 Skill:6
A deep growl rumble in the night air. It is Wolfang,the warrior beast searching for Predacons enemies!Swift and agile,prefers to hunt cloaked as an animal. But quickly convects to robot mode for battle,when he can best utilize the secret attack launcher disguised as his tail!
Str:8 Int:5 Spd:9 End:5 Rank:5 Cour:9 Firep:6 Skill:8
Function:Desert Combat
Armordillo's back bears the burden of a built-in suit of armor that is virtually impenetrable. Enemy artillery bounces off him like pebbles, while his own hidden laser weapon causes devastating damage to Predacon attackers.
Str:5 Int:5 Spd:4 End:7 Rank:6 Cour:8 Firep:4 Skill:7
A terrorizing turtle with sercet speed! Turbo-driven qaud thrusters ingnite from below his armor-plated shell to send him screaming through murky earth swamps like a heat-seeking missile!
Str:6 Int:8 Spd:9 End:8 Rank:6 Cour:7 Firep:4 Skill:5
Sonar-sensittive antennea locate and track enemy maximal infiltating Predacon battle perimeters. When hungry for battle himself,this insidious insect uses his crossbow to cripple enemies,then drags'em to their doom with his monstrous mandibles!
Str:6 Int:7 Spd:5 End:5 Rank:5 Cour:4 Firep:6 Skill:5
Appointed for Northern polar sector reconnaissance.Roams the frozen tundra in an animal form,but quickly convects to robot mode for battle,removing his titanium tail and converting it to a powerful quaser cannon to vapourize Predacons. Powerful and considered fearless,Tigatron is also equipped witth a toxic fluid blaster that stop ememies cold, rendering their bodies useless
Str:8 Int:3 Spd:8 End:7 Rank:4 Cour:10 Firep:7 Skill:6
Buzz Saw
Function:Aerial Surveilance
Hunts enemies Maximals from Atlitudes of 6,000 metres. User infraced scanning sensors wired within its eyes to direct movement below,then zeroes in and launches powerful air-to-ground string missiles to induce Temporary pazalysis. Known to gang up on victims with his evil partner , the wicked waspinator!
Str:7 Int:6 Spd:8 End:5 Rank:6 Cour:5 Firep:7 Skill:6
Function:Double spy
Blackarachina is a evil temptress posing as Predacon double agent! Capable of converting thermal energy into poisonous cyber-women,she lures Maximals into her darkened den and then stuns them by firing a poison-tipped missile! She then sinks her fangs into their armour to suck their life-force dry
Str:4 Int:7 Spd:6 End:6 Rank:5 Cour:8 Firep:7 Skill:8
Optimus Primal (Goralla)
Function:Maximal General
When force him to flight,they force him to win!
Str:10 Int:10 Spd:10 End:10 Rank:10 Cour:10 Firep:10 Skill:10
Functions:Predacon Commander
Be afraid,Earthlings.Be very,very afraid
Str:10 Int:9 Spd:10 End:10 Rank:10 Cour:8 Firep:10 Skill:10
Function: Ocean Attack
Just when the Predacons thought it was safe to go back in the water... Cybershark rises to the surface for a fearsome feeding frenzy! Like a turbocharged torpedo speeding through the sea, Cybershark searches the ocean depths for Predacon enemies. Upon finding the enemy he launches his robotic hammerhead to knock 'em out cold, then finishes the job in robot mode by filleting his prey with his switchblade tail!
Str 7 Int 5 Spd 8 End 5 Rank 6 Cour 9 Firep 5 Skill 4
Function: Aerial Recon
An aerial reconnaissance expert, Airazor's optical matrix scanners can detect Predacon ground movement from 30,000 feet. Internal radar transmitters then relay data to fellow Maximals, complete with 3-D virtual reality maps detailing enemy location. Cyber-blades hidden within wings open for attack mode. And although photon cannon concealed beneath tail is her weapon of choice in robot mode, she prefers attacking Predacons with her armor-slashing, titanium-plated talons!
Str 5 Int 7 Spd 9 End 5 Rank 6 Cour 7 Firep 4 Skill 7
Function: Undercover Attack
Capable of remaining motionless beneath a layer of sand, Razorclaw is one of the best quick-attack specialists they've got! When enemies approach his hidden location, his powerful pincher [sic] claw shoots up through the surface to capture and impale victims with the claw's protruding cyber spikes! Radar-defeating shell armor allows him to stay cloaked from Maximal sensors. Blaster rifle in secondary claw fires disrupter [sic] particles, temporarily paralyzing his unsuspecting prey. Str 8 Int 4 Spd 2 End 9 Rank 3 Cour 9 Firep 5 Skill 6
Function: Sky Patrol
Mesmerized by his awesome appearance, enemies seldom realize the power of this Predacon...until it's too late! Striking silently from the sky, Jetstorm's internal coolant capacitors produce a toxic venom that, when regurgitated from his mouth, can destroy an enemy at a range of 500 feet. To keep his aerial competition in check, Jetstorm can launch twin air-to-air missiles that explode on impact in a blaze of destruction!
Str 3 Int 4 Spd 7 End 5 Rank 3 Cour 5 Firep 7 Skill 6
Function: Infantry Commander
Although seemingly slow, this giant ant's abdomen splits into separate quadrants to reveal hyper-drive ion thrusters that propel him at speeds up to 180 mph! If he can't catch a retreating Maximal, he detaches his rear leg missiles and fires them from the secret launcher hidden within his power-pinching mandibles! The claw-like pinchers also detach so Inferno can put the bite on enemies even in robot mode, when his destructive powers are at their best!
Str 7 Int 4 Spd 8 End 4 Rank 7 Cour 8 Firep 6 Skill 5
Function: First-Strike Infantry
As stubborn as he is strong, nothing can stop the brawny Bonecrusher when he charges into battle to crack some skulls! Like a living locomotive with a one-track mind, all he wants to do is fight, fight, fight! Optimus Primal tries to get him to lighten up, if only to prevent him from overheating an internal coolant co-processor, but Bonecrusher would rather be out pounding his enemies into cyber scrap. His favorite attack strategy is to stun opponents with a dizzying head-butt, and then finish them off with a fast-firing missile shot straight from his mouth!
Str 9 Int 5 Spd 7 End 4 Rank 7 Cour 9 Firep 7 Skill 6
Claw Jaw
Function: Underwater Attack
From the deepest, coldest depths of the sea, Claw Jaw emerges to attack Predacon enemies that stray too close to his underwater lair. By wrapping his eight powerful arms around them in a constrictive vice grip, Claw Jaw drains his victim's [sic] powers by extracting Energon from their bodies through his suction-cup arms. The four razor-sharp fangs surrounding this cyber squid's mouth make him a potent warrior, as does his robotic metal-slashing claw weapon.
Str 6 Int 4 Spd 8 End 4 Rank 4 Cour 7 Firep 5 Skill 6
Function: Attack Specialist
Today, disguised as avicious velociraptor, Grimlock continues to battle against interstellar tyranny as he fights the evil Predacons. After converting to robot mode, his spinning slashed sword - hidden within his tail - slices through the Predacon legions. And when the attack is over, you can usually find him flossing his fangs with the internal wiring of his battle-beaten enemies.
Str:8 Int:7 Spd:7 End:5 Rank:5 Cour:9 Firep:6 Skill:7
Function: Quick-Attack Specialist
The maniacal Manterror may seem awkward in appearance, but he's a skilled fighter with devastating quickness in both robot and insect battle modes. Having the power of flight and equipped with razor-sharp raptor claws, he activates internal stealth silencers to strike from the sky like a sizzling bolt of proton lightning. In robot mode, he prefers to launch his devastating ion discs, which don't stop spinning until they've sliced through a targeted enemy's external armor. As he always says, "To face the Manterror, is to face defeat!"
Str 5 Int 9 Spd 6 End 3 Rank 6 Cour 5 Firep 8 Skill 10
Drill Bit
Function: Infantry
Arising from miles beneath the planet's surface, Drill Bit digs his way up through the ground to surprise Maximal enemies when they least expect it. His diamond-tipped, titanium-alloy destruction drill can bore through anything -- even the Maximals' latest high-tech battle armor! Drill Bit lives underground in a subterranean series of twisting tunnels that go straight to the mysterious planet's center, where molten lava mixed with Energon crystals fuels his constant thirst for more power.
Str 6 Int 3 Spd 2 End 8 Rank 4 Cour 7 Firep 3 Skill 4
Function: Aerial Attacks
A fast-flying sky pirate with a thirst for battle, Lazorbeak upholds his motto of believing the only good point he likes about the Maximals is their melting point. His laser weapon can melt through most of the Maximals' battle armor, but such aggression tends to drain his Energon levels, allowing him to initialize only brief periods of aerial attack sequences between robot and pteradactyl modes. Still, when his energy levels are charged, he's one mean menace!
Str:6 Int:4 Spd:9 End:3 Rank:5 Cour:8 Firep:5 Skill: 5
Function: Desert Demolition
Burrowing deep into desert sand dunes, Retrax survives in a series of cool, cavernous tunnels lined with the remains of fallen enemies. His greatest defense is his ability to curl into a ball and escape danger by racing across the desert like a turbocharged tire screaming down a mountain. Or, when attacking, he can roll over a similar-sized enemy and crush their body upon impact, then use his powerful front pinchers to dissect them in seconds.
Str 8 Int 8 Spd 1 End 9 Rank 7 Cour 7 Firep 2 Skill 8
Function: Guard Duty
Placed in charge of guarding his fellow Maximals from a surprise Predacon attack, K-9 is always alert thanks to his lightning-fast reflexes and ultra-sensitive canine nose. While other Maximals plot defense strategies, K-9 stands guard to survey the surrounding area for signs of Predacon spies. But even if he encounters an entire attack force, he can hold them off with his fast-fire missile launcher until reinforcements arrive. When it comes to combat, K-9's bite is definitely worse than his bark!
Str 5 Int 8 Spd 7 End 6 Rank 4 Cour 7 Firep 4 Skill 6
Function: Surprise Attack
Snarl is seldom seen until the moment he attacks. His camoflage coloring allows him to sneak into Predacon basecamps undetected. Powerful legs give him the ability to lunge forward to attack startled enemies, and in robot mode he can jump straight up to escape incoming missile fire. Snarl is a fearless fighter whose gnashing, serrated teeth and razor-sharp claws are enough to fend off would-be attackers...if they know what's good for them!
Str 7 Int 5 Spd 9 End 5 Rank 2 Cour 7 Firep 4 Skill 5
Function: Surprise Attack
More poisonous than a Cybertron razor snake, Spittor can immobilize an enemy in less than seven seconds. Highly sensitive microchips existing just millimeters below his "skin" instantly release venom upon contact with aggressors. When on the attack, his powerful legs allow him to leap in front of enemies over 100 yards away. After catching them off guard, he releases his head-butting poison tongue to knock 'em out cold. Talk about tough, this guy doesn't feed on flies, he feeds on Maximals!
Str 2 Int 7 Spd 5 End 6 Rank 6 Cour 9 Firep 4 SKill 7
Function: Infantry
Despite his long body length and the giant pincher claws he drags behind him, Powerpinch is surprisingly fast: six speedy legs power him forward over almost any obstacle. His greatest assets are the powerful pincher that are strong enough to sever most enemies in half. And as all Maximals know, those pincher claws are as dangerous in insect form as they are when he converts to robot mode, which is why they never underestimate the ferocity of this truly evil insect. Str 8 Int 4 Spd 9 End 4 Rank 2 Cour 7 Firep 4 Skill 5
Function: Air Assault and Reconnaissance
There are few that can match Transquito's uncanny ability to track and discover hidden Maximal outposts. Converting to combat mode, he can hold off several Maximals at once with huge, poison-tipped pincers. Any unfortunate robot surviving a strike from these pinchers is immediately afflicted with an irritating rash and sent into a delirious rage. His powerful wings hurtle him to blazing speeds and create an annoying high-pitched screech known to drive Maximals out of their minds. His manner is highly obnoxious and dangerous, a point well illustrated by a frequent and destructive habit of firing his missile launcher incessantly when upset. Transquito is hated by all who know him.
Str 5 Int 4 Spd 9 End 8 Rank 6 Cour 8 Firep 7 Skill 6
Function: Guerilla Warfare Specialist (ow, pun)
A guerilla warfare tactical expert, B'Boom is one of the fiercest and most unpredictable of the Maximals. Though hard to control and often driven by a temporary fury that sends him speeding up and down trees, his focus while in battle is easily apparent in the savage fire in his eyes. Dextrous, brave and clever, B'Boom is fiercest while in mega artillary [sic] attack mode, a state in which his arsenal is as fully loaded and functional as a battle emplacement. His favorite weapon, a launcher hidden within his mouth, deploys pulse missiles that detonate but do not burn - leaving his best weapon, the wilderness, unharmed.
Str 8 Int 7 Spd 6 End 7 Rank 7 Cour 9 Firep 9 Skill 6
Function: Battle Master
The ultra beast Tripredacus mounts its attack on the Maximal fortress in the dead of the night, calling upon and combining Cicadon's plague-like destruction, Ram Horn's tenacity and Sea Clamp's crushing power. Emerging from the bowels of the earth, Tripredacus summons its forces to form an incredible weapon of destruction. Sea Clamp's concealed linkage system connects Cicadon's chopping rotor blades to Ram Horn's powerful driving motor, creating a mega-missile launcher the Predacon team uses to slash its slimy way into battle. With power and lethality multiplied three times over, Tripredacus prepares to overtake and rule the robotic jungle.
Str 10 Int 10 Spd 9 End 10 Rank 10 Cour 10 Firep 10 Skill 10
Function: Combat Leader
A new breed of super robot blasts its way to the head of the Maximal battle lines with three times the fighting force! Prowl's ferocity, Silverbolt's swiftness, and Ironhide's strength team up to form Magnaboss - a triple-power threat capable of annihilating any Predacon enemy, even the ultra combative Tripredacus. Magnaboss owns the battlefield, arming itself with a massive, megaton battle sword composed of Silverbolt's razor-tipped wing swords, and Ironhide's blunt-force battle clubs mounted on Prowl's cyber tail claw. If two heads are better than one, Magnaboss is way ahead of that game...times three!
Str 10 Int 10 Spd 9 End 10 Rank 10 Cour 10 Firep 10 skill 10
Vice Grip
Function: Reconnaissance
"The search often begins within yourself."
Vice Grip is one of Megatron's most loyal and dependable troops. He understands the value of a mission and does his utmost to complete it successfully. This drive, coupled by his extraordinary tracking abilities, is well received by the Predacon leader. His comrades have deep respect for him and often look to him for guidance and advice. In insect mode, his giant rear pincers can easily crush unsuspecting Maximals, and then finish them off with a high voltage electric surge. In robot mode, the pincers convert to a hand-held pulse weapon that discharges an explosive ball of electricity capable of shorting out all Maximals in a twenty meter radius.
Str: 8 Int:5 Spd: 5 End: 7 Rank: 5 Cour:8 Firep:6 Skill:7
Function: Chemical Warfare
"Prepare for Armageddon."
Antagony is somewhat of an enigma. Soon after her mysterious arrival on the Beast Wars planet, she displayed the uncanny ability to accurately predict significant events. She explains away her clairovoyance as mere intuition, but the other Predacons feel it is something more than that - almost as if she is from a time yet to be. Her prowess in battle is further enhanced by the ability to project limited-duration hard light holograms, which serve to confuse her opponents. Antaogny's primary weapon fires bolts of corrosive acid which instantly begins to dissolve Maximal armor upon contact.
Str:7 Int:8 Spd:6 End:8 Rank:6 Cour:8 Firep:7 Skill: 9.9
Function: Thief
"Don't just take the goods, take the credit too." Packrat is the ultimate glory hound. His penchant for stealing is surpassed only by his desire to let everyone know he did it. The other Maximals are tolerant of his sneaky and deceptive ways only because he's an effective fighter, and because he causes the Predacons more trouble than he does his comrades. His standing with his teammates reached a cross road with the Energon armor incident. As Rhinox has said "There may be hope for him yet."
 Str:6 Int:6 Spd:8 End:5 Rank:4 Cour:8 Firep:6 Skill:6
Function: Geochemist
"The power of this planet is our salvation and our curse." While Megatron pushes him to be a warrior, Fractyl is more concerned with solving the problems caused by the strange planet's surplus of Energon. The other Predacons either ignore him or ridicule his apparant fascination with the energy source, despite the fact that his work could provide them with the means for ultimate victory over the Maximals. While his research has only temporary success, he is confident that he will eventually resolve their recurring overload problems, thereby earning the others' respect.
Str:4 Int:9 Spd:8 End:4 Rank:4 Cour:5 Firep:5 Skill:6 
Onyx Primal
Function: Assassin
"...and I will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, and you will know my name is Onyx when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
Str:10 Int10 Spd:10 End:10 Rank:9 Cour:10 Firep:9 Skill:10

