This page will have The Transmetal Toys Tech Specs+Review and much more
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Function: Robotic Jungle Patrol
Following the massive quantum surge, Cheetor emerged as a cybernetically
enhanced cheetah. Meanwhile, his robot form inherited the organic traits
once attributed to his beast mode. Now Cheetor prowls the jungle with more
agility and power than ever before. Flip-out cyber-thrust wings provide
enhanced speed and limited flight while in beast mode, making him part jet,
part mechanical cheetah.
Str:8 Int:6 Spd:10 End:9 Rank:7 Cour:9 Firep:8 Skill:8
Function: Aerial Attack
After the quantum surge, Waspinator became a meched-out, armored wasp with
the ability to change into a fighter-jet as well as a bio-genetically
enhanced robot. His personality, however, did not change much; he's still
high-tempereed, aggressive and dangerous when angered. Only now Waspinator
is faster, armed with a toxic stinger and more driven in his mission to wipe
out the Maximals forever!
Str:7 Int:6 Spd:9 End:7 Rank:5 Cour:4 Firep:7 Skill:6
Function: Strategic Defense
Following the quantum surge, Rhinox emerged in the form of a massive
mechanized rhinocerous. He soon discovered that his new beast structure gave him an added conversion: a heavy-treaded all-terrain vehicle. To a big,
powerful and slow Maximal like Rhinox, the enhanced mobility is like a dream
come true. He perfected new battle moves like pulling wheelies and
devastating Predacons at high speed. Also, a new animalized robot mode
improves his fluidity and skill on the battlefield.
Str:10 Int:6 Spd:7 End:9 Rank:5 Cour:10 Firep:8 Skill:7
Function: Ninja Warrior
There are few Predacons spinning webs of violence and deceit as skillfully as
the eight-legged ninja warrior Tarantulas. After the quantum surge,
Tarantulas was delighted to discover himself as a meched-out arachnid with
motorcross vehicle-like capabilities. Instead of constantly relying on
stealth and suprise [sic], Tarantulas now races into battle on his wicked new
wheels, converting into a new animalized robot mode that makes him virtually
unstoppable in battle!
Str:9 Int:4 Spd:8 End:6 Rank:5 Cour:7 Firep:7 Skill:8
Optimus Primal
Function: Maximal General
Changed into a mighty, metal gorilla by a planetary destruction device,
Optimus Primal has a built-in, rocket-powered hoverboard that lets him hang
ten on the air-waves of the Beast Wars world! Stronger and faster than ever,
he converts to become the huge, organically-enhanced Maximal General loaded
with weaponry. Predacons who value their health best avoid any monkey
business with metal Optimus Primal!
Str:10+ Int:10+ Spd:10+ End:10+ Rank:10 Cour:10+ Firep:10+ Skill 10+
Function: Predacon Commander
A quantum surge rips across the Beast Wars world, altering Megatron, evil
genius and leader of the Predacons, int a metal-armored T-Rex. Now turbine
powered V.T.O.L. (Vertical Take-off and Landing) engines extend from his
body, providing blazing atmospheric flight and the ability to "drop in" on
unsuspecting Maximals with his whiplash cutlass! Fused reptilian musculature
enhances his power in an organic robot mode. The result: creation of a
surpreme tyrant!
Str:10+ Int:9 Spd:10+ End:10+ Rank:10 Cour:10+ Firep:10+ Skill:10+
Function: Spy
Following the quantum surge, Rattrap gained the advantage of a meched-out
armor shell and a swift dragster vehicle mode. A top-notch soldier, his
fellow Maximals rely on his reconnaissance reports to locate enemy outposts.
The new hot rod mode has increased his speed and agility on the battlefield,
and a powerful, battle-whip blade that he wields while in robot mode has made
him a powerful adversary to all Predacons.
Str:6 Int:7 Spd:9 End:5 Rank:5 Cour:8 Firep:6 Skill:7
Function: Aerial Attacks
A quantum surge has altered the structure of the tyrannical Terrorsaur,
turning him into a jet-powered, vehicle-like Pterodactyl with an unfettered
rage for the Maximals. If Terrorsaur was once known as fearless, his new
armor has made him kamikaze. Hidden jet thrusters leave a trail of fire in
his wake and often ignite the terrain below - a fact that tickles his twisted
humor circuits endlessly. Fierce talons and turbine spikes offer a dangerous
arsenal that keep[s] him involved with his favorite activity: battling
Str:6 Int:4 Spd:10 End:3 Rank:5 Cour:8 Firep:3 Skill:5
Function: Aerial Recon
A quantum surge has completely rearranged Airazor's structure to provide a
metal-armor coating and a pontoon plane substructure that provides the added
advantage of sea reconnaissance. Already quick as lightning, her twin jets
furnish extra high-level acceleration and agility. Her optical matrix
scanners can detect Predacon ground movement from 30,000 feet while her
armor-ripping talons send fearful sparks through the Predacon army.
Str:5 Int:7 Spd:9 End:6 Rank:6 Cour:7 Firep:4 Skill:7
Function: Infantry Commander
A quantum surge has rocked the world of the Transformers and now the evil infantry commander Scavenger has become a meched out fire ant with awesome drilling power. Two spinning augers drill into the Earth while bladed wheels thrust him forward, providing a perfect method of ambush attack and reconaissance. One of the Maximal's most dangerous enemies, Scavenger's goal is to make every Maximal unable to set foot outside without thinking twice about what might suddenly burst from underground.
Str:7 Int:6 Speed:8 End:4 Rank:7 Cour:8 Firep:6 Skill:5
Function: Warlord
The result of an experiment gone wrong, Rampage is an evil titan devoid of mercy. Calculating and fearsome, he is a legend among Cybertrons, and it is rumored that his spark cannot be extinguished. In king crab mode Rampage uses his hulking claws to generate colossal tidal waves, induce earthquakes, and trigger landslides. Though his bulk hinders his overall dexterity, Rampage makes good use of his impenetrable armor and multi-weapons arsenal in crab, tank and robot modes. Galva-conductors on his back channel deadly electric currents that he disperses at will. Rampage customarily activates is Gatling cannon to finish off his enemies in a deluge of cluster missiles. All Cybertrons fear his unmatched aggression.
Str:10+ Int:9 Speed:9 End:10.+ Rank:9 Cour:10 Firep:10+ Skill: 9
Depth Charge
Function: Aquatic Forces Commander
A magnificent giant soars through the oceans in regal silence. Depth Charge was commissioned by Optimus Primal to act as a first line of defense against Predacon undersea aggressors. Though he would rather study military strategies than execute them, Depth Charge is a dedicated fighter and inspired leader. Nuclear cybershark drone conducts recon missions, doubles as a reinforcementi n battle, and fires dual proto torpedoes. Intermediate space-cruiser mode can achieve planetary orbit or withstand the deepest oceanic pressures. As a robot he fires shrapnel grenades from his chest and can maintain a force field for five mega cycles. With unshakable nervesand Energon
Str:9 Int:10 Speed:8 End:9 Rank:10 Cour:10+ Firep:9 Skill:9
Optimal Optimus
Function: Maximal Supreme Commander
Optimal Optimus a wise and compassionate Maximal commander developed his trademark valor and heroism during his role in the Beast Wars. Exposure to a nebulous entity reconfigured him into the ultimate four-mode Transmetal, Optimal Optimus. Reactive smart-missile cannons are functional in all modes of operation. In hypersonic attack mode, he has upgraded Cybertronian "air guardian" jet technology equipped with scramjet modules specialized for unmatched velocity. In armored ground-assault mode, he transgresses all terrain and overcomes all opposition. Battle-reactive blast shields supply him with an impenetrable defense, making Optimal Optimus the most potent threat ever to face-off against Megatron and his Predacons.
Str:10+ Int:10+ Speed10+ End:10+ Rank:10+ Courage:10+ Firep:10+Skill:10+
Email: cspagnuolo@sprint.ca