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Rocket Lauch at East Quogue, Long Island

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Da Hood

This weekend, I went to East Quogue on Long Island, to launch model rockets. I lauched several:

The Jinx

The Hyper-x

The Freefall

The Alpha-3

The Nike Arrow

The X-Ray

The Quark

Day 1

Launch 1: The Quark

The Quark is a small solid rocket, about 5 inches in length, equipped with no parachute or other sophisticated recovery system, but its mass is so little, that such a system is not required. The Quark was loaded with an Estes A3-4 engine.

Upon launch, the Quark Accelerated to aprox. 800 ft, much higher than expected. Because of its small size and white paint job, it was lost in the sun and glided of-range. Current status: Missing.

Launch 2: The Alpha-3

The alpha is a basic rocket, stood 10 inches tall, and was equipped with a 12 inch parachute. A racy rocket, with an orage and black paint job, was very sleek. It was loaded with an Estes A8-3 engine, about twice the thrust of the Quark's.

Upon launch, the Alpha accellerated to aprox 500 feet, and the parachute was deployed sucessfully. Touchdown was ok, and, overall, it was a very nice flight. Current status: OK

Launch 3: The Hyper-X

The hyper-x is a big lunky rocket, that stood a lofty 18 inches. it had inverted fins, and was equipped with a helicopter nosecone, and a 12 parachute for the body. it was loaded with an Estes B6-4 engine.

Upon launch, this rocket took half the launch pole with it about 20 feet, then dumped it. It seemed to be ok, but this mis hap took the hyper-x way off course. it went up aprox 250 feet, then flew sideways about 50, and deployed the 'chute and nosecone. The helicopter didn't work, and both pieces landed on cement, by the only building within 200 yards. current status: ok.

Launch 4: The Jinx

The Jinx is much like the alpha, but with four fins, not three, and it is slightly smaller. It is purple with a 12 inch parachute. It was loaded with an Estes A3-4 engine.

Upon launch, the jinx soared to about 200 ft, deployed the parachute perfectly, and was recoved with ease. Current status: ok.

Launch 5: The Nike Arrow

The Nike arrow is a sleek rocket, with two sets of fins, and two different sized body tubes. It is silver and orange, and was equipped with streamer recovery. It was loaded with an Estes A3-4 engine.

Upon launch, the nike arrow flared up, swerved right and left, as if it were in panic, and fell from a top altitude of 60 feet, and deployed the streamer rocovery system at about 10 feet. Current status: ok.

More to come soon!

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