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What's next for Spielberg?

   Spielberg hasn't been doing much junk lately. Saving Private Ryan has been released. Jurassic Park 3 is set. Indy 4 is a definite. Memoirs of a Giesha is out next year. Everything is set, there is no rumors. However, maybe we can mull over Who will direct Jurassic Park 3, Spielberg's next project (Possiblt The Notebook) & how it'll possibly affect Indy 4. That's about it.

    Ok, For Jurassic Park 3, the leads for the directing job were Jan De Bont, & Mimi Leder. However, it seems Jan De Bont was cut after Speed 2's failure. Mimi Leder even with her success with Deep Impact & her credits, is rumored to be cut out because her vision was not what Spielberg had wanted. Now it seems the job might go to a not very well known Director of Photography (Cinematographer), I can't think of the name right now. Anyways, I don't know how I like this news. I think I would prefer Jan De Bont, even though Speed 2 sucked. I don't think you should pan a director for one failure... Besides, He had 2 hugely successful films before that in Speed, & Twister (Which Spielberg produced). I can't envision Mimi Leder simply because she's a woman (Sorry, I am not chauvinistict), & I think the gore & action would be cut down ( Although Deep Impact was a very good movie. She handled it right.)

    That's it from the rumor mill for now. See ya next time. ADIOS.

Please send me any rumors you may have, & I'll be sure to post them. Thanks.

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