Ferris Bueller You're My Hero!

Yes, this is my (very) little tribute to the magical, serendipitous Ferris Bueller. Call me sick if you want. Everyone else I know does! C'mon guys, it's just a little tiny tribute! How am I supposed to show my appreciation and affection otherwise??

This Is Ferris:

So is this:

And yes, so is this...

This is what Ferris has to say:

He's said it once and he'll say it again...

What are we going to do?

This is Ferris' best friend,Cameron (participating in Ferris' stupid crap):

This is what Cameron has to say:

You killed the car!

You are absolutely right sir.

This is what both Ferris and Cameron have to say:

Hey batta batta batta...

I don't have a picture of Ferris' girlfriend, Sloane, but here's a website dedicated to the woman who played her:

The Mia Sara Web Site

The first Ferris Bueller's Day Off site.... doesn't exist anymore! The dude changed it to something else. Drat! Well anyway...

Here is a more recent and better Ferris site:

Save Ferris!

This is a MIDI of the song from the oh-so-great parade scene:

Twist and Shout

Thanks soooooo much to John Hughes, Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, and all the people whose names I don't know that helped make FBDO the great movie that it is!

This Ferris Bueller Web Ring site is owned by
Cameron & Steve.
Want to join the Ferris Bueller Web Ring?

Hey, sorry the pics don't work for the webring banner, I went to the site and none of THEIR pics worked-- so hey, it's not me! (for once)

You're still here? It's over, go home!

Email: psychodave@rocketmail.com