And now for some more...

Hi, I'm Andy and this lady is my MUM.

Now to introduce my many siblings, there are seven of us. Well, I don't have recent pictures of all of us but will tell you a bit about everyone.

Chris is the oldest at the ripe young age of 37. Born in the U.K. he was raised by our grandparents in Jamaica, before living in Canada with an aunt and then finally coming back to England when he was sixteen. Bit of a culture shock for him, ha ha ha ha!

Andy, me, comes next aged 35, and can you imagine my surprise to be introduced to his older brother at the age of 14 on a weekend home from boarding school? And told he'd have to share his room? Took a while, but I got used to it....eventually!

Angela is next in line aged 34. What a wild card! Even if I do say so myself, this is one formidable woman. She has a son, Rowayne 14, who was born Spina Bifida, but she never looked like she was letting it get to her. I was impressed. Then a few of years ago she was diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Schlerosis, which hit me harder than it hit her because that's the one disease which scares me, but she just took it in stride.

Next in line is Barbara at 33. She has a daughter, Monique 14, who on more than one ocassion proves to be more than a handful. But you won't hear Barbara complain.

After a gap of seven years comes Giles at 26. I was nine when he was born and was allowed to choose his middle name so I picked the name of an East Sussex town where I'd had a pretty good time, Chichester. Don't ask how I got away with that one.


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