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Signs of my Internet Friends

Aries: Outgoing
sticky wicky

Taurus: Conservative

Gemini: Versatile

Cancer: Emotional
Purdue Pete

Leo: Authoritative
Mr. Pip

Virgo: Exacting
Gentle Dove
Little angel

Libra: Helpful


Scorpio: Determined

Sagittarius: Optimistic

Capricorn: Cautious

Aquarius: Independent



Aries: You're romantic,passionate and idealistic. Finding a soul mate is your mission. With your unshakable faith in the power of love,you're the Zodiac's dewy-eyed innocent.

Taurus: When you fall, you fall hard, but since you're shy, you can be slow to declare your feelings. Once you know your affection is returned, you're eager to pledge your heart.

Gemini: You're known as a flirt. But your attitude toward romance is a cover for your fear of losing your heart and your self-reliance with it. You secretly yearn for true love.

Cancer: You swim in an ocean of emotion, but your feelings can create tidal waves that overwhelm. To keep romance alive, nuture more,cling less and forget about being in control.

Leo: You want a beautiful companion who inspires envy. But beneath your life-of-the-party personality, there's a heart of gold and the desire to offer it to your mate for life.

Virgo: Virgo's purity of purpose should not to be confused with prudery. Those of your sign can be extremely passionate, but it takes a meeting of the minds to light your fire

Libra: Most people want a soul mate but for you, this bond is as important as the air you breathe. Maintain your own interests so you don't become too dependent on your mate.

Scorpio: Intense and brooding, you sometimes come on like a movie heartthrob or a hurricane looking for a place to land. You want a grand passion. Nothing less will do.

Sagittarius: When dating, you love the thrill of the hunt. Freedom is as important as an active love life. But at some point, you must choose quality or quantity - you can't have both.

Capricorn: Both dignified and ambitious, you turn a cold shoulder to admirers who are not as hardworking as you are. Learn to enjoy life's little pleasures as well.

Aquarius: You fall in love with your head, then your heart follows. You're faithful but can be emotionally distant. Once you decide to settle down, you strive for an equal partnership.

Pisces: You need to commit to something greater than yourself, like a lasting union with your beloved. You're kind and empathetic. Hold out for a partner who truly appreciates you.

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Initiating, enterprising, ambitious, domineering.

Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Determined, conventional, organizing, dogmatic.

Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius. Adaptable, imaginative, tutorial, critical.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Enthusiastic, courageous, passionate and impulsive.
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Practical, materialistic, conservative, and inhibited.
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Intellectual, adaptive, impractical, and superficial.
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Emotional, sensitive, placid, and susceptible.

Angel Voices

EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Responsibilities.
Angelic Advice: It is time to welcome some new responsibilities into your life and you are capable and ready to show others the way. Your angels wish you joy in: Embracing your Talents

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Fortune. Angelic
Advice: Fresh winds of happy change are blowing into your life - so lift your head and breathe deeply.. Then, harness those winds and enjoy their energies.
Your angels wish you joy in: New Beginnings

AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Education.
Angelic Advice: Education is a gift to ourselves - a way of creating new pathways along which the knowledge of the universe can flow. Knowledge is already within - with education we strike a spark of recognition which can turn into a bright flame. Allow your soul's teaching to manifest today. Let someone teach you something.
Your Angels wish you joy in: The Beacon Held High

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Butterflies.
Angelic Advice: Butterflies go through many powerful changes before they become the beautiful, graceful creatures we enjoy as they flit from bloom to bloom in the sunshine.
Your Angels wish you joy in: Metamorphosis.

THE RAT: In China, the rat isn't despised - it's revered. Being born a Rat incicates reslpect and honor. Not only are you intelligent, but your're aksi a reak gi-getter, Yiu appear cool, calm and collected, but inside you're often a bundle of nerves. You're generous, but also an opportunist. Warm-hearted and loyal, you can lose your temper when hurt.

THE OX: You're cautious, hardworking and highly dependable. You are also patient, calm, sensuous and loyal. This combination makes you a great mate, a wonderful parent and a dear friend. You're not impressed with all the hoopla going on this year and would much prefer to carry on in your own sure and steady way.

THE TIGER: The tiger is considered lucky and those born under this sign are colorful, enthusiastic and sociable. You're a risk-taker and natural-born leader. :You're also unafraid of a channenge and have an impulsive streak. You're fearless and confident and often suceed where most people fail. All you ask is that people be honest with you.

THE RABBIT: Rabbits are swnsitive, private and shy. People born into this sign prefer working in the background to basking in the limelight. But this doesn't mean that Rabbits aren't sociable creatures. Their wisdom and thoughtfulness surrounds them with friends, family and even strangers who immediately recognize their caring personality.

THE DRAGON: This mythical, magical creature is a symbol of great prosperity and luck. The Dragon is a rediant, dazzling animal, and you love to do everything on a grand scale. You're creative, generous, adventurous, and up on all the latest trends. You adore praise and flattery. In the Year of the Dragon, you take center stage.

THE SNAKE: According to Oriental philosophy, the beautiful and sexy Snake is associated with compassion, humor and deep insight into those around them. You're charming and a great deal of fun to be around. There's nothing superficial about you - you're a private person who doesn't engage in gossip and this endears you to all.

THE HORSE: Because you're sociable, friendly, cheerful and a team player, you're never short of friends and admirers. Bursting with life and enthusiasm, you amuse and entertain people wherever you go. This year, there are even more places to go, more people to see and more adventures to have than usual - and you love it.

THE GOAT: You're kind, affectionate and easy to get along with. As a born nurturer, your family is the most important part of your life. You do whatever it takes to make sure they feel loved and cared for. While you enjoy the finer things in life, they're not your number one priority. What's important is making the world a better place for all.

THE MONKEY: Yoou're smart, charming, talkative, and playful - perhaps even mischievous. There's never a dullmoment when you're around. You're also a creature of contradictioons. While no one doubts your intelligence, they can't figure out how you can be so disorganized. But as quick-witted as you are, you always have an answer.

THE ROOSTER: Like their counterparts, Roosters are colorful, flamboyant and downright theatrical. You're brutally honest and rrarely hesitaate to say what's on your mind and in your heart. But there's a lot more to you than meets the eye. You're hard working, detail-oriented and quite traditional when it comes to your familly.

THE DOG: Fiercely loyal, you'd go to the ends of the earth to protect your familly and home. A champion for the poor and mistreated, you'll fight for any cause you believe in. YOu always have a kind word to say and the time to listen to someone who needs you. You constantly worry in Dragon years, though most of your fears are unfounded.

. THE PIG: Always considerate and generous, you're willing to drop what you're doing to help anyone in need. You're trusting, easy-going and sincere. Sometimes, people take advantage of your good nature, but you never hold a grudge. A down-to-earth person, you can't be bothered with the extravagance and waste you see around you this year.


Dec23 to Dec 31-AppleTree
Jan 01 to Jan 11 -Fir Tree
Jan 12 to Jan 24-Elm Tree
Jan 25 to Feb 03-Cypress Tree
Feb 04 to Feb 08-Poplar Tree
Feb 09 to Feb 16-Pine Tree
Feb 17 to Feb 28-Oak Tree
Mar 01 to Mar 10-Weeping Willow Tree
Mar 11 to Mar 20-Lime Tree
Mar 21-Oak Tree
Mar 22 to Mar 31-Hazelnut Tree
Apr 01 to Apr 10-Rowan Tree
Apr 11 to Apr 20-Maple Tree
Apr 21 to Apr 30- Walnut Tree
May 01 to May 14- Poplar Tree
May 15 to May 24- Chestnut Tree
May 15 to Jun 03- Ash Tree
Jun 04 to Jun 13- Hornbeam Tree
Jun 14 to Jun 23- Fig Tree
Jun 24- Birch Tree
Jun 25 to Jul 4- Apple Tree
Jul 05 to Jul 14- Fir Tree
Jul 15 to Jul 25- Elm Tree
Jul 26 to Aug 04- Cypress Tree
Aug 05 to Aug 13- Poplar Tree
Aug 114 to Aug 23- Cedar Tree
Aug 24 to Sep 02- Pine Tree
Sep 03 to Sep 12- Weeping Willow Tree
Sep 13 to Sep 22- Lime Tree
Sep 23- Olive Tree
Sep 24 to Oct 03- Hazelnut Tree
Oct 04 to Oct 13- Rowan Tree
Oct 14 to Oct 23- Maple Tree
Oct 24 to Nov 11- Walnut Tree
Nov 12 to Nov 21-Chestnut Tree
Nov 22 to Dec 01-Ash Tree
Dec 02 to Dec 11-Hornbeam Tree
Dec 12 to Dec 21-Fig Tree
Dec 22-Beech Tree

APPLE TREE(the Love)-of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and t ender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.

ASH TREE(the Ambition)-uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.

BEECH TREE(the Creative)- has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sprots, etc.)

BIRCH TREE(the inspiration)-vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.

CEDAR TREE (the Confidence)- of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes lusury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

CHESTNUT TREE (the Honesty) - of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior,feels not understood loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.

CYPRESS TREE(the Faithfulness)-strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optmistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless.

ELM TREE(the Noble mindedness)- pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.


Key Traits: charming, sociable, restless.
Likes: diamonds, garnets, arts & crafts, interior design.
Dislikes: routine, being poor, watching the clock
Love: romantic, attentive, passionate lovers - but they do tend to play the field

Key Traits: strong-willed, determined, ambitious, stubborn
Likes: jade, emeralds, sports, gardening, music
Dislikes: feeling insecure, playing games, making s mall-talk
Love: Loyal, caring, steadfast lovers

Key Traits: bold, adventurous, generous, impulsive
Likes: rubies, diamonds, mystery novels, cooking Dislikes: compromise, bad manners, not being in charge
Love: passionate, sincere, a true romantic

Key Traits: peace-loving, shrewd, prudent, perceptive
Likes: pearls, crystals, emeralds, reading, hiking, gossip
Dislikes : messy places, sudden change , too much physical contact
Love: romantic, passionate, sensitive lovers

Key Traits: active, confident, honest, lucky
Likes: opal, sapphire, astrology, dinosaurs
Dislikes: being bullied, negativity, people who don't pull their weight
Love: faithful, sincere and demanding

Key Traits: wise, thoughtful, guarded, slow-moving
Likes: jasper, topaz, photography, painting
Dislikes: noisy crowds, mistakes, being stood up
Love: seductive, strongly sexed and possessive

Key Traits: active, alert, sociable, self-centered
Likes; turquoise, topaz, athletics, theater, music
Dislikes: being ignored, jealousy, loss of independence
Love: passionate and faithful - when the right partner is found

Key Traits: Creative, kind, easygoing, sensitive
Likes: Sapphire, jade, tennis, movies, clothes.
Dislikes: Inefficiency, conflict, being alone.
Love: Affectionate and caring.

Key Traits: Versatile, charming, sociable, cunning
. Likes: Crystal, aquamarine, word games, dancing.
Dislikes: Being told to be quiet, being unpopular.
Love: Captivating, but fickle

Key traits: Methodical, efficient, proud, candid
Likes: Diamonds, rubies, golf, singing, hiking.
Dislikes: Bad manners, being teased, taking orders, dirty places.
Love: Sincere, caring, loyal.

Key Traits: Honest, trusting, perceptive, cynical
Likes: Carnelian, jasper, gardening, crafts, cooking.
Dislikes: Temper tantrums, disloyalty, hurt feelings.
Love: Loyal.

Key Traits: Sincere, sociable, hard-working, stubborn.
Likes: Coral, lapis lazuli, shopping, dinner parties
. Dislikes: Arguments, and empty wallet, and empty refrigerator, injustice.
Love: Sensual and passionate.

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