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Angels Remembered

We will rock you in the cradle of our hearts forever.....

Michelle Robin
b/d July 23, 1995
Anencephaly, Spina Bifida

Sydney Ann
b/d July 3rd, 1997
Trisomy 21

Kaleigh Jane
b/d February 7th, 1994
Trisomy 18

Aerin Finn
b/d April 19th, 1996
Congenital Nephrosis of the Finnish Type

Christopher Jaako
August 12th, 1997
Congenital Nephrosis of the Finnish Type

Brendan Teemu
b/d August 12th, 1997
Congenital Nephrosis of the Finnish Type

Baby Sarah
b/d January 23rd, 1996
Trisomy 21

Jordan Marie
b/d June 12th, 1997
Trisomy 21

Nicholas Gregory
b/d March 1st, 1995
Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus

Aimee Rose
b/d August 12th, 1997
Trisomy 18

Baby Robin
b July 6th, 1997 ~ d August 31st, 1997
Fatal Arythmia

Baby Lancaster
b/d August 2nd, 1997
Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus

Baby Raina
Soul Set Free December 29th, 1995
Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus

Robert Lee
b/d September 11th, 1997
Trisomy 21

Joseph Bruce
b/d October 11th, 1991
Multicystic Kidney and Liver Disease

Gabriel Trey
b/d April 30th, 1997
Severe Encephalocele

Baby Brett
b March 19th, 1994 ~ d March 21st, 1994
Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Baby Kyle
b March 19th, 1994 ~ d March 21st, 1994
Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Tennessee Elija
b/d January 30th, 1997
Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Madison Anne
b/d August 26th, 1995
Anencephaly, Spina Bifida

Shawn James
b/d July 25th, 1997

Hannah Rose
b/d September 13th, 1996
Turners Syndrome

Clancy Conall
b/d November 7th, 1997
Trisomy 21

Maximilian John
b/d July 15th, 1994
Trisomy 13

Baby Daniel
b/d October 24th, 1997
Trisomy 21

Christopher Michael
b/d September 10th, 1997
Anencephaly, Spina Bifida

b/d July 16th, 1997
Trisomy 21

Nicholas Foster
b/d September 16th, 1993
Spina Bifida, Hydracephalus

Caleb Michael
b/d July 16th, 1990

Katherine Elizabeth
b/d April 11th, 1997
Monosophy 9

Angels Remembered ~ Page 2


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