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Our Angels Sleep In Heavenly Peace

With the holidays upon us, we at The Grey Area realize that many of you many be suffering the holiday blues. The Compassionate Friends has an excellent page on getting through the holidays that you can visit by clicking here.

Christmas In Heaven
Author Unknown

I'm wondering what Christmas in Heaven is like,
As I grieve alone and pray,
Longing for one who has gone before
to spend Christmas in Heaven today.

And so in my dreams, I wander far
From the scenes and sound of earth
till I catch the strains of a Heavenly choir
As they sing the song of the Christ child's birth.

The angels and saints I vision there
as they join in the festal gay,
And there amid the throng is my loved one
Spending Christmas in Heaven today.

There's a joy in the faith that teaches,
When our life's work here is done,
Of a place in Heaven awaiting,
And the crown we worked for is won.

In our grief may we learn the lesson
So to work and suffer and pray,
As to merit the joys of our loved one
And to spend Christmas together someday.

Holiday Letters To Our Angels

Dearest Shawn,

Every year as Christmas approaches, I realize all the things we have to be thankful for. This year I am thankful that you are at peace. I am thankful, but at the same time, my heart is aching because I miss you so much. I am also thankful for the time we spent together even though it went by too quickly. You were only here for a short time but you have touched our lives and hearts forever.

My arms are painfully empty because you're not here for me to hold, but my heart is full with the love I have for you. It does comfort us to know that you are with God and all the angels and that they are taking care of you. Since you can't be here with us, I'm glad that you're there with them.

Shawn, you have given us a beautiful gift---you have given us a deeper appreciation for each other and we will always be grateful for that. You took a piece of all our hearts with you when you left and I hope you will hold on to that as we hold on to our memories of you. I hope you know how much we love and miss you.

When you look down from Heaven and see the twinkling Christmas lights around our house, know that they are twinkling for you, our beautiful angel.

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Brian and Michelle

My Darling Nicholas

Christmas Day will always be your day for me since that was your official due date. Your sister Katie talks about you all the time and has told Patrick all about you. They both miss you and sometimes even 'play' with you, pretending you are there. You are so much a part of our lives every day and I hope you are happy and at peace. Time may lessen the pain of the loss, but it cannot lessen the void that we all feel because you are not with us. You have another brother now and when Brendan is older, he will know that he has a special angel in heaven who he can talk to and who watches out for him. We love you more than I could ever express in words and not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts. Thank you for the lessons you've taught us and Merry Christmas.


To Our Angel Kaleigh

Christmas time is here again my Angel. As I look around our house I feel so blessed for what God has given us yet, you are missing. You are here in our hearts and in spirit but we are constantly reminded that we can not see your pretty face or shower you with the love you so deserve.

It comforts us to know that God is taking care of you. We want you to know that you are the stars in our sky, the twinkle in our eyes. You are the warm sun that smiles down upon us. You live in our hearts and your memory will never leave us.

Our only Christmas wish this year is that you will forever know how loved and missed you are. We know that God giveth and he taketh away.... but he cannot take away our precious memories of our sweet little angel who touched our lives so deeply in such a short time. We will forever rock you in the cradle of our hearts....
With Love, Mommy, Daddy, and your Brothers and Sister.

Dear Lluvia Juliana

Merry Christmas sweet baby. Your mommy and daddy love you and miss you with all their hearts. Your big brother, Garrett, also feels a loss. He says it best, "Lluvia with Jesus." I know your safe and warm and with people who love you. Especially great-grandma and grandpa Wilson and great-great grandma and grandpa Fowler. That is why we buried you there so you could be with family. You have pink and white poinsettas this year--they are bright and cheery.

Daddy put all my angel ornaments from my childhood on the top of the tree along with your white crocheted one I bought a week after you were sent home. I am working on your stocking. From this Christmas on, your parents, older brother, subsequent brothers and sisters, and anyone else that wants to can write you letters or put other momentos in it.

I am looking forward to next year, Lluvia. Mommy will be sad though when March 13, 1998 rolls around. That is when you were suppose to be born. I find solace knowing that your spirit is alive and waiting for us. I know there are times you see us and are constantly with us.

Kiss our friends and family that have gone on before us--Kiss us always with heaven as you have done since you came and gone. Always know that your Mommy, Daddy, and Big brother LOVE YOU!!!!! We think of you always and we truly know now since you've touched our lives that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!!!!!

Mommy, Daddy, and Garrett

My Dear Daniel

With the holidays almost upon us I wanted to let you know how much your Daddy, brother and mommy miss you. Not only now but every day. We were looking so forward to meeting you and now we have to wait so much longer. I know that where you are now, you are well and whole and there is no one who will make fun of you. I also know there are many other angels you can play with.

There are so many things that I wish for you this Christmas. I wish you could have gotten to know your brother Benjamin, he is a terrific little boy and I know you would have loved him. I wish you could have gotten to know your Daddy, who wanted you so much. He was so excited when we found out we were having another little boy. I wish you could have snuggled with us in the mornings. I just wish you could be with us.

Mommy loves you so much Daniel, and I wish I could have kept you inside me. Please know my sweet son that I think about you daily, and Love you with all my heart.

Hugs and kisses,
Your Mommy, Daddy and Brother.

This song was written by Caleb's Mom in his memory the year that he would have been three and singing "Away In A Manger" at his first Sunday School Christams Program. It was written to the tune of "Away In A Manger." Bless you Caleb's Mom!

Away up in Heaven
(Is there a crib for his bed?)
Our little boy Caleb
Lays down his sweet head
The stars in the sky show bright where he lay
Caleb's asleep in a place far away.

The Angels are watching
As baby awakes
But little sweet Caleb
No crying he makes
We love you our baby and hope that you know
We wish you were with us, we wanted you so.

Be near him Lord Jesus
We ask you to stay
Close by him forever
And love him we pray
Please keep our dear baby in your tender care
And tell him we'll meet him in heaven up there.


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