Howard Riverton Estey Family Notes
The earliest memory Howard had was of being sick on the Fourth of July. His folks gave him some fire crackers and he played with them in bed. Howard had chores in the summer, picking berries, helping to irrigate, and he had to hoe in the garden. He had a tricycle when he was little. There were always kids around with whom to play, where ever they lived. They played Fox & Goose, Run Sheep Run, Hide and Seek, rolled hoops, they played card games and checkers.
Howard Riverton Estey married on 25 December 1925 in Bend, Oregon to Vera Hildegarde Call born 24 September 1905 in Hartsville, Massachutess.
Howard & Vera met at a pie social at Cuckoo Ridge Dance Hall, Deschutes County, Oregon. Howard bought her pie, but she hadn't made it, Iris Trotter had made the pie. Evelene had introduced Howard & Vera. They were married Christmas Day. After the wedding they went to see a movie, "Seventh Heaven" with Charlie Farrow and Janet Gaynor. Going to the movies was a special thing to do. When they got home from the movie they found Charlie Call, Vera's brother, and Ernie, Howard's brother, under their bed giggling. They dragged them out. There was a "Shiveree" for them that night, too. The people brought all sorts of noise makers from tin horns and cow bells to dish pans. There was a lot of noise!! Their friends also brought things to eat. Then on New Year's Eve there was a shower for them at the Pine Forest Grange Hall in Bend, Oregon. They grabbed Howard and rode him around the room on a fence rail. They held him up high in the air and went around and around & around.