Leroy: Leroy was born in 1852 in Leslie, Ingham Co., Michigan. For more info. on this family
INGHAM COUNTY DIRECTORY 1916 - 1921ABBREVIATIONS-a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone, 4 ch, 4 children; H&L, house and lot; Les 10, Leslie Township Road No. 10; 0, owns; R1, Rural Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses; 2c, 2 cattle. Names in CAPITALS are those of Farm Journal subscribers.
The abbreviations used for the Townships of Ingham County are as follows:
Alaiedon, Ala. Leroy, Lry. Stockbridge, Skbg. Aurelius, Aur. Leslie, Les. Vevay, Vev. Bunker Hill, Br. Hl. Locke, Loc. Wheatfield, Wtfd. Delhi, Del. Meridian, Mer. White Oak, Wh. Ok. Lansing, Lan. Onondaga, Ono. Williamston, Wmsn. Ingham, Ing.
JOHNSTON, ERVIN (Mary) 4 ch farmer O 40a 3h 6c R1 Leslie Les 10 Ind tel.