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              My Exo-Squad Fan-Fic
    I stepped off of the transport with my gear in one hand, and a gun in the other, only to see that damn reporter again, his pretty boy face was just enough to make me puke every time I saw it, "Oh, hello again, Mr. Morgan," I said, holding back a mouthful of vomit.
 "Hello again Lieutenant," he replied. Today, I was in a particularly angry mood because I had been called away from my squadron to train a bunch of Sergeants on guerrilla warfare, and this just made even angrier. "So, do you think that you fit in that interview today?"
 "I’m sorry, but I’ve got to teach a class today, and it’s only in an hour, and I’ve got to get ready for it, sorry," I was so lying, "maybe some other time, sorry."
 "Well, your Commanding officer told me that the class wasn’t until tomorrow, I guess that he was wrong, I’m to assume?" This is the thanks that I get for saving 103 lives.
 "Well then, I could probably schedule it now, since the Captain says it’s tomorrow," I’m gonna get him back for that.

 As I stepped into my temporary quarters, Mr. Morgan said to me, "So, are we going to begin now?"
 "Let me check my messages first," then I walked over to the computer console and said, "Lieutenant Halmeruck, messages please," the computer then replied:
 "3 messages, shall I play number 1?"
 The Captain’s hard face came up, but he looked kind of spooked, "Uh Lieutenant, I uh, kind of told that reporter guy tha-"
 "Computer stop message!" I interrupted, "Play number 2, please."
 Along with this one came the well known pretty boy face of Mr. Morgan which, unfortunately, was accompanied by his shrill-nasal voice, "Uh, this is Mr. Morgan, I was wondering when you were going to meet me for the, uh, interview,"
 "Computer stop message please," I said, "Computer, who is the final message from?"
 "Mr. Morgan," it replied to me.
 "Erase messages 2 and 3 please," I ordered the computer, now changing to Mr. Morgan, "Well, let’s get started."
 All right, only a few questions, how bad can this be? I put my gun on the rack, and flung my gear on my bed, I then sat down. "Okay Lt. Halmeruck, what part of the Exo fleet are you in?" he asked me.
 "I’m a Jumptroop, uh, you know the troopers," I stupidly responded.
 "All right, can you tell me one of your memories from the Neosapien war?"
 "Sure, it was nearing the end of the war and my squad and I were going on a raid of the moon Io, around Jupiter," this is when I started remembering, "the heat was intense, due to the fact that it’s a very volcanic moon. We had disembarked from our dropship and the Lieutenant told us to use our standard pattern, since all of the squadrons had different patterns. I then told my squad, since I was the sergeant, to spread in our standard fashion, each one of us would be spread every 25 feet, innermost was Salcaz, then my friend, Chalmers, then myself, and the 3 new people wanted to be in front, they were the first to die from the Neos. But before they died, they reported seeing some kind of creature, that was killed them, some creature, a Neo creature. This later became known as the Neo Cat and the Neo Lizard. At this point, the Lieutenant cut in telling us to retreat, I burned my rockets to full with every jump, but I was loosing ground quickly, I then saw Chalmers. He was trapped under some rubble. He called to me, "Tom, Tom! Help me, please, HELP ME!"
 "So, what’d you do?" he asked me. Before I could answer though, the red alert went off.
 "Oh crap!" I shouted, "get the hell out of here, the Neo base around here mustn’t have gotten the message that the war was over!"
 "Well, this is as far out as you can get," he retorted. I grabbed my gear and ran to the closest airlock. It was when I got to the airlock and put on all of my gear that I realized that I had forgotten my gun.
 "Oh, crap!" I yelled out.
 "What?" the reporter was still following me.
 "My gun, I forgot my gun! Go get it, NOW!" I ordered.
 "Where is it?" he asked.
 "It’s on the damn gun rack, where else would it be?" I said while pushing him,
"GO!" I started putting on my jumpsuit, the command suit. He returned with my gun and handed it to me. "You stay here, I’ll go out and fight the Neos. STAY!" I opened the first door of the airlock, then closed it. I waved, and opened the second door.

 I looked to get my bearings of where everything was, I immediately saw an Exo-Fighter burst into flames and smash into a Y-Wing fighter. "Lieutenant!" a voice cut the silence in my helmet, "Lieutenant, what do you want us to do?"
 I saw the sergeants that I was supposed to be teaching tomorrow. "What? Oh, follow me." I activated my rockets and blasted up about 20 meters, with the sergeants following behind. At the peek of my flight I started to fire my gun, but my boot was caught with a blast from one of the Neos E-Frames, taking it off. I started falling down, when I landed on the wing of a blood red Y-Wing. I started crawling up the wing until I got to the fusion pack on it. Damn that’s big. I pulled on it, and pulled, until I realized what I had to do to get it out. I unstrapped the other boot on my jumpsuit. That damn Neo leg. I strapped it onto the fusion pack, and activated the thrust on it. It took a little pushing and pulling plus that to get the thing out, but I got it out.
 As the Y-Wing was rapidly descending, before the pilot ejected, I jumped off, and started up my backpack thrust. At least that will slow me down if it won’t stop me.

 When I came to, I saw the ugly face of that reporter again. "Good morning Lt. Halmeruck! I hope you slept well."
 "I feel like a pile of fried dog shit," I told him.
 Just then I saw the Captain. "Well, thanks to you, we caught, Thrax, Phaeton sent him out here when he disappointed him, he also cut off contact with him, so he thought that the war is still on. We Located the secret base that was in the Kuyper belt, and eliminated it."
 I motioned for the Captain to come closer to me. He did. I whispered to him, "Get that damn reporter out of here, I don’t want to see him ever again."
 "He only has one question," he said back.
 "Why do you have a Neosapien foot?" he asked.
 "It’s the end of my story. Captain, can you and the Med-Techs please leave for a couple minutes, please?" The Captain motioned and all but Mr. Morgan left, "Where was I in that story?"
 "Your friend had just called to you," he responded.
 "Ah yes. So I flew down, and I tried to pull up some of the rubble on him, but I couldn’t, so I said, ‘I can’t get it off, what do you want me to do?’, then he said, ‘Just shoot me, kill me, it’s better than what the Neos would do to me, they’d torture me, get all my secrets, and then they would kill me in cold blood, it’d be a lot worse, so kill me, shoot me with that gun, now,’ so I pulled up my gun, took aim and I-I-I I shot him, and then his cold lifeless body started to float up. Another person started jumping past me, and I started to move, jumping back to the dropship, and we were about 20 meters away when a volcanic eruption went up right under him, burning through his armor and sending him out into space, but when I was about 10 meters from the dropship a Neo cat came up and bit off my right leg upto the knee, I made it into the dropship, and it immediately left. Out of my entire squadron, two survived. They gave me a Neo leg because the technology wasn’t good enough to make me a human one, and I didn’t want a machine. From that point on, I have been that much more like the enemy."
 "I’ll leave you alone now," and with that, Mr. Morgan walked out of the room.