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Some words on...


There are not many sites on the internet that does not have links, on most sites the link-pages are the only ones where anyone runs any risk of actually finding something interesting. But what makes these people put up all these links? It's like this: You make a homepage, and you fill it with contents that you want other people to see and so forth, and then you make a page with a bunch of links, so that everyone who gets to your site will get the fuck out of there ASAP. It's a bit inconclusive don't you think? Anyways, we at the TSA really don't give a flying fuck whether or not you actually take your time here. So below we've gathered a special selection of shit which you may check out if you want to. Most of it is other nihilistic and sarcastic sites on the internet, some of it is just pure shit we posted in order to be linked from some other sites. You know, it's this pretentious link-trading bullshit that's going around.

100% Nilscorn Black Metal

Visit the Nihilistic Black Metal site above, to behold a rising landmark of intellectual atrocities. If this does not feel right, you can also laugh together with George Carlin or Denis Leary, also visit these two sites when you need to be reminded of the fact that there are actually people "out there" who has put two and two together.

If you are one of the many people who are tired of all gangster-rap bullshit that is currently being distributed to the stupid masses, then visit the site on the banner below.
Respekt till förorten, jao!

Unfortunately this site is on Swedish only, and concerns only the silly little cunts in the Swedish suburbs who think of themselves as cool people with a lot of self-respect. In Sweden these little cunts are called "kickers", they usually wear Fila or Nike clothing. We tell you this so that you will know for sure if you see one of them, in which case we will pay you for shooting, hanging, raping, beating, or otherwise dispose of this "kicker" in an aggressive and abusive manner.

If you are a US citizen, know that the "kickers" of Scandinavia are very much like the 2PACs, Jamiroquis and FMFNs (Fat Misspronouncing Fucking Niggers) of your country. Feel free to shoot them as well, we'll transder the money in dollors (for your conveniance).

If your primary objective here is nihilistic thought, rather than nihilistic fun (i.e. the result of the previous) you are adviced to click here. This is a page made by some Swedish nihilist named Sebbe, who (we dare say) have rather sane ideas and contents on his page. Excepting the Black Plague (presently shut down by authorities due to its contents) this page is one of the better ones we've found so far, certainly when it comes to the onformative parts. Of course, as in all these cases, most of the information you are likely to get your eyes on at this site is quite meaningless and circumstancial. But then again, that's life through and through, so enjoy!

You can also play a God-simulator right here, where you'll also find factual writings concerning religion (of which the best are already part of this TSA site. Or, just go visit the page of the guy who's made this cute little simulator, another one of those rather good nihilistic pages. This one is also a bit more humoristic, all though there is some pretty fucking aggrevating all over the place, so mute your speakers. Well, fuck it, go visit.

Cadla Communications is one of the better underground distributors of death/black metal art music. They're based in Sweden, but does business all over the world, if interested in what they have to offer don't hesitate to click on them. Blazing Skies is a Swedish band who claims to play misanthropic death metal, and we at the TSA actually find them to be of quality. Diabolocal is another Swedish death/black band worth a visit. Mornaland is rather known and hailed Swedish black-act, which by all means should be checked out by anyone who is attached to the genre.

There is a guy who calls himself Thomas, or, at least that's the way he writes his name. He pronounces his name Fomas, and here is a page set up for the pure and only reason of being scornful and sarcastic in our hatred for this guy. Click here and you'll be able to find out about a guy who very few people know, however, everyone who knows him hates him very, very, very fucking much. You can even call this sorry bitch ass loser at 073-9865347 (if you are in Sweden that is). If you are outside of Sweden, you dial +46 and take away the first zero. Go ahead, make the silly little cunt regret he ever posted his fucking telephone number on the internet.

A fucking nice site, and probably a very good band...

Actually, we've never even heard of this band. Which means that they probably arn't much to hang in the Christmass tree, then again, what the fuck do we know? It's like we're the undergrounders here or anything.

Big, excellent site, actually...

The above site is run by a couple of funny lookin' Russians. They do not seem to fit the definition of "true metal", however, we might just as well take that as a sign of character. Then again, sometimes things get out of hand the other way around... Well, fuck it, go visit them, their site beats the shit out of most of the crap the real satanists ever manages.

If you want some honest, true and serious metal then visit the realms of the AntiChrist (Associate#2), HERE is his main site, and HERE is we have a page of his more consentrated on matal. There two sites are currently under construction, but then again, is there a single site on the WWW that isn't? You can also visit NewGrounds, a rather funny site which we at the TSA find worth linking due to its insulting nature. Anything that pisses religious monkeys off qualifies.

For even more shit about Christians, this time in the US, go to ChurchState and indulge in the contents on that site.
