Some words on...
Lifestyles. Trends. Genres. In today's world we are all practically attacked by terms such as these, people are discussing them instead of the wheather during parties, MTV is puking out facts about them in a never decreasing rate, there are litterarily thousands of magazines distrubuted packed to the very limit with the same shit, public performers of varying nature make it the basis of whatever propaganda or creed they are propounding. For the individual there is a matter of choice between a couple of millions of "already tried and liked" way to gain character and personal label. This variety of choice is of course one of the hailed cornerstones in developing society, so there is no reason to complain about all this from that perticular point of view. Naturally, there is no reason to complain about from any point of view, but from true and objective points of views there are surely great reasons for scorn.
We've got vegans, trend-fags, homosexuals, hardrockers, muslims, catholics, rave-monkeys, rappers, soul-cunts, feminists, anarchists, communists, nazis, and pussies (read: liberals), to name but a very small part of the great selection before us, all with varying amounts of seriousness and fundamentalism. We have all these little groups of people, who have picked out one or two issues in their environment and turned it into the one important thing in life. Some of them wants everyone to "save the animals" (a very strange statement which we shall get back to later), some wants everyone else (!) to vote just as they themselves do, and some wants to kill all the Jews. The characteristic between all these different ways is that all of these people seems to be blindly convinced that they have solved all our "problems" (... also a very funny notion). These people deal with their different resolutions and convictions as though they are superior to the rest of the living world, some even seem to see themselves as superior to the dead, and their only trouble is that they have not solved the problem of making everyone else understand this.
While the subject is still fresh in our minds, lets go to the bottom with the notion of "saving the animals". Now, what exactly does this statement really suggest? Naturally, we know what people mean when they say stuff like this: They've come to the conclusion that eating flesh is primary process thinking, or, in some cases, these people have some strange emotional attachment to organisms that will give them even less of a meaningful intellectual exchange their own kind. This is what they should say, but they do not. Instead, they keep repeating this inconclusive "saving the animals" songs, which naturally is a quite meaningless notion. When they say animals, do they mean all animals? Their answer would probably be yes, since they are mostly deluded. These people have not relized the fact that they themselves are animals, and thus the "saving the animals" speeches cannot include them. The people who actually accept their status of being a species among many on this planet, all eat meat. In fact, only the monkeys still lost in the made up illusion of humanity's special ranking in nature, would ever think twice about actually believing in anything of what these superficial, synthetic, man-made ideals and creeds consists of. The wolf eats the cow, some people think they should eat sallad, which is fine, as long as they do not insult our intelligence by stating that they are saving anything or anyone by doing so. What about the fucking sallad?! Besides, the whole concept of "saving anything" is in itself, put to the objective point of view, a fallacy within itself for a much more calmly simply reason. You go save a cow today, we'll be back in forty years with his bones and laugh at you. Of course, the normal understanding of the word "saving" is not such, or at least should not be, but the fallacy of these monkeys is that they refuse to see this. Lastly, in most cases these vegan mumbo-jumbos are actually trying to save species that would not even exist on this planet if it was not for the fact that they taste fucking great. Mankind starts by killing everything and everyone we can that cannot be eaten or fucked, then we proceed to nurture the things and organisms we need in order to live. That's our circle of life for you, wake up and smell the thorns...
And then we've got these people telling us that they've solved all our problems, well, that's just swell isn't it?! It's truly great to actually have people around that dedicate their lives to the solving of problems that isn't even there to begin with. Pollution is a problem now? No it isn't, it's a deterministic fucking result of the dominance of one species of this planet, a tiny little detail on a tiny little peice of dust somewhere in the middle of a universe we don't even know the beginning and end of. In fact, it doesn't even have a beginning or an end, so you tell us: pollution is a problem, really? There are no problems to be seen anywhere, the only problem we actually have today is that we seem so fucking creative when it comes to making these things up. All of a sudden everything is said to be a problem, even other people's problems become our problems in some deranged way. Take people with anorexia for example. If someone is anorexic it's supposed to be my problem as well as yours. No, "rich cunt who doesn't want to eat", fuck her. Well, go ahead, don't eat! We don't give a fucking shit. Like this is actually something we're all supposed to be concerned about: "I don't wanna eat!!!!" Hey bitch, go fuck yourself, better now? Again, the root to all this is the same old stuff as with people who wants to save things: an egocentric view of things that enables people to make things up as the chooce.
But why? Why, oh why, all these lifestyles, creeds, concepts, and trends? Why do people have this incredible feeling that they must fill their lives with universal meanings? Isn't enough that their libidinal energies makes them get out of bed in the morning? Are these energies actually that weak in these people, that they've got to riddle themselves up in all sorts of fucking bullshit in order to find any pleasure in life? And just look at the silly things they do in order to be different, in order to cover their fears. Some of these idiotic ideals are attached to merely as defence mechanisms. Of course, everything from religion to extreme political views and morals is in any case defence mechanisms (Ignorance is a Bliss), but sometimes things get so very superficial that one starts to wonder whether or not this can actually be overlooked by the affected individuals. "I was rejected by girls when I was seventeen, when I turned eighteen I relized that I was gay!" Well, that's great! For most of us though, "problems" such as the above cannot be solved in an equally swift and practical manner. "Hey, my girlfriend dumped me, well fuck her, I'll just go and shuv my dick up dads ass and everyone will be happy!"
What the fuck? You know...
It can of course be argued that "having no lifestyle etc." is a lifestyle in itself. And that argument would be correct if we are to mark the exact meaning of words, however, in reality this argument is invalid. Of course we can state that the rejection of religion is a religion in itself, but that sort of arguing would just go to show how screwed up our terminology on these issues really is. So, without any doubt or fear of being wrong, we at the TSA plainly state that we are lifestyleless. We're just alive and quite satisified with the fact that we're monkeys.
In the end, we're also quite fuckingly satisfied with the fact that so many other monkeys are not satisfied with the facts of life. Because, and this is a frequently returning statement from our side of the table, they're fuckin' funny to laugh at. What fun would the news be without hearing about some fucked up kids setting meat-trucks on fire? Or some, even more, fucked up people down in some sandbox shooting the shit out of eachother because of some (naturally, made up) ethnic difference.
The nihilistic "lifestyles" are the most flexible ones, and they also surely brings the most funny and pleasurable perspectives. We term this little sarcasm is plural, to emphasise the fact that 1, there is no such thing as a nihilistic lifestyle, and 2, if there was, we'd be free to be vegans on the morning and nazis during noon. Fexibility and practicality friends, that's what counts, and don't credit yourself to much for what you might presently "believe" in. We do not credit anything, except the fact that we're in a position where "loosing an argument" is never even an option.