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Some words for...

A certain "Reverend"...

Below is a letter that a TSA Associate wrote to a certain Christian human being who calls himself "Reverend *something*". He had signed the guestbook of one of the sites you'll find amongst our links, and by doing so won an award for "Most Stupid Entry". We read what he had written, and thought he deserved more than merely this award. So we wrote him this little letter, which he, to our suprice, never answered.

Hey there Reverend!

"You have the right to your own opinions and that is exactly what you have expressed - your own opinions which have no basis in truth or fact. I will be praying for you that God reveal Himself to you in an undeniable way! my friend."

According to what has become known as fact to us at the TSA, you are the blessed soul who wrote this in a guestbook of a certain Atheist who goes by the name Jeremy Olsen.

There are some things about your little statement that has somewhat baffled us, and now we'd like your help in order to solved this peculiar little matter. We shall number our questions, into a sort of interview, and then send them to you hoping for a serious and respectable response.

1 - "You have the right to your own opinions..." In this first sentence we are somewhat baffled by your using of words. It seems to us that "opinions" is something that you (being a "believer") deals with, while people like Jeremy is not. Stating that God exists is indeed an opinion, while (for example) saying that 1+1=2 is not. Because in the latter case, contrary to the previous, the statement is backed up by something we humans tend to call logical fact. So, dear reverend, what exactly do you mean when you claim that Jeremy has the right to form his own opinions? Do you perhaps mean that he has the right to chooce to form opinions if he would ever desire to do so? Are you simply stating your opinion about the forming of opinions? Or are you, forgive us for our bluntness, merely acknowledging the fact that the individual mind is somewhat more free than you would personally prefer?

2 - "... and this is exactly what you have expressed..." As we are sure you can well imagine, our question at this point is very similar to the one concerning issue #1. For the final punch of your first sentence seems quite strange on a page which basically only deals with matters of the "1+1=2"-genre.

3 - "- your opinions which has no basis in truth or fact." An interesting twist in your reasoning. We suppose this statement would argue that your opinions (contrary to Jeremy's "opinions") are based on deductive reasoning, logical arguing, scientific discovery, natural determinism, objective evalutation and intellectual perception. If this is not the case, then your argument has no meaning of any kind, but if this is what you mean by your words, then we would be delighted to have you explain to us the exact details of the rational logics behind your opinions.

4 - "I will be praying for you that God reveal Himself to you in an undeniable way!" Concerning this statement, there are two questions. First of all, are you sure you are doing Jeremy a favor by trying to invoke your god into his experiencing? And secondly, your statement is void unless this "revelation" you are talking has occured to you. In the latter case we'd of course be quite delighted to hear about this experience, so that we as well can follow in your path and cease to be the utter sinners we presently probably are according to you.

5 - "my friend" Is Jeremy really a friend of yours? We personally have never seen to people who does not know eachtother, and have such vastly different perspectives on things, be friends. And to be honest with you, the history of the concepts which you stand for indicates that you are indeed lying through your teeth at this point. And secondly, the whole idea of friendship is that it works two ways: Just because you like Jeremy doesn't mean you're friends, he has to like you as well. However, maybe you are friends, for all we know this could be (stanger things has happened), and in that case you have a very special relationship that we might find reason to envy.

We would be greatly delighted if you could give us some hints and directions, answers that is, concerning the above written. Also feel free to visit our homepage at:

Thank you for your time!
God be with you.

Well, that about all we had to say about that.

