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Some words on...

~Serbs, Albanians, NATO, UN... the situation~

Written April 12, 1999

Belgrade is having a bit of a bad time right now, as one might put it. In Kosovo people are being executed, raped and driven from their homes into huge camps in the countries around the so-called nation called Serbia. We at Total Scorn are quite puzzled as to what parts of this particular situation to point out with our sarcastic notes. Indeed, not even the 24-hour news-updates from the big organizations manage to account for all the outmatching examples of stupidity right now on display in the Balkan.

But let us however indulge in this piece of candy, randomly.

We begin with the Serbian (pretty much one-man-) government. What are these people thinking? Arkan, and the rest of the Serbian crew, seems to be holding the attitude that they are going to actually fight a war against Nato. They actually seem to hold that their little piece of shit country is going to force the major economical and military powers of the world into submission. It is one thing, completely on its own, that they by means of the usual propaganda methods are able to seduce most of the Serbs in the area to stand on bridges as human shields, and support the Serb dictator. But they will never be able to compete with the "western" propaganda machine, even less as their communication devices are being gradually taken out by Nato airstrikes.

It does not matter what the Serbs think of their little country, the question is: what makes them not face up to this little fact? What possible advantages do they hope to acheive by this course of action? What possible prospects of success is it they smell through the smoke from the bomds raining over them every night? Well, they have one advantage: and even more stupid (yet more powerfull) group of people, namely: Russia.

Russia, in this situation they certainly take the price on all levels of stupidity. Yet again the complete infestation of the Russian government shines in its fullest splendour. For, surely, old Boris himself probably has a clue about what is going on. And equally surely, if it was up to him and the few smart fuckers in the Russian government, there would be no Russian ships heading down toward Balkan, no withdrawal of diplomates or anything like all that. But the young Russian democracy is battling forces of stupidity from underneath. The common Russian man, especially those still adhering to that famous communism once practised with great success in the region. Like for example, the 40 year old Russian guy interviewed on the street, saying that Russia should actually join the war, "and teach NATO a lesson". Quite motherfucking remarkable.

But this kind of brings us onto the next question, that of countries and groups and individuals joining together in this formless "anti-American" mass. People dress the US down because they are "playing police" in the world, and in the end, suddenly NATO and its most important member turns out as some sort of main bad guy. Caught up in a world full of benevolent serial-genocidal dictators, and other peices of shit. Some people blame the war in Balkan on the US - which might be right thing to from one perspective, namely: when the problems started in this region no-one (including the US) did shit about it.

At first all this looks like insecurity from the masses and pathetic governments. Trying to make themselves up as though they were independant in any way, though still, always having the anxeity of knowing better in the preconcious. But this is not the way it is, at least not the definite description of it, for in the end its all just stupidity and adherance to illusions.

What country or organization in its right mind could ever seriously say that they were going to challange the US? What makes these morons neglect the fact that, whatever they might feel about it, the US is still the dominant nation in the world? Relizing that you are fighting the US, or NATO, or the Western world in general, should be a fucking sign for these idiot. "Ooops, the US is in the other side, which means that we are the bad guys without and prospects of winning!" But instead these countries, together with the "intellectual elite" of even some western countries, point their hypocritical fingers at the US, and says, "just because you've got the bombs doesn't mean that you're right! Fuck you! We hate you!"

But this has never been a question of right and wrong, merely the stupid monkeys even consider that. There's nothing wrong in itself with killing eachother, its not a question of moral. Because moral is just subjective. So, who gives a flying fuck about whether or not the US should be doing what they are doing. Same thing with NATO, the UN etc.etc. The only relevant is issue is that these forces ARE the most powerfull ones, and that they will ALWAYS be correct and morally right: since the winners most often are the once writing the history books. Russia, Serbia, thay can have all their national pride and inside disputes, as much as they want to. But that will never deny the fact that it is the "enemy" that has got the bombs. That's right. Nuclear fucking weapons.

We should all be happy that no nukes are being used, and we should all hope for our own gratification in life that nukes will never be used. NATO doesn't even need nukes, though, the only way they will ever be used would be if those fucking monkeys at the Kreml really put all their childish shit to action. And that would not be fun for us, this is the only reason we have to dislike them and their bullshit ideals and attitudes.

But what about the US and NATO then? Surely, in some ways they are no less fucked in the head than their opponants. The way they wage this little toy war by scratching on the surface. They should have made a firm plan from the beginning, and there are only to valid choices they could have taken.
1: Not care, do nothing. Safe the lives of your own soldiers, save some money.
2: Go in, crush all restiance, assasinate the ones that are causing it. Telling the Serbs that they will be fucking extinct if they do not comply to the demands pressed on them. And begin and end the armed conflivt within the same week.

But what have NATO been doing for the last few months? They've been sedning their little squadrons of bombers, scratching on the surface. Determined to do something about the situation, but not strong enough mentally to do it well. Going in on full gear from the beginning would most likely save more lives that the methods they are now using.

And of course, change is comming. It seems to us here at Total Scorn that all the information is indicating that NATO will sooner or later take the famous course of sending in ground units. That they will sooner or later kick the living shit out of Serbia, and its fucked dictator. Arkan and his boys. But while this course of action has not dawned on the leaders of NATO until know, is remarkable. We stated the course of solving this conflict long before they did, and we do not even have their level of experience and education in the subject of military tactics.

Well. In the end. This is no big deal. Its a bunch of monkeys fighting about some lines and crosses but down with red pen on a map. Anyone who gets the least bit hysteric about something as shallow as borders and ethnic groups, deserve more scorn than even we can muster. And that's that.

But it's also fucking funny to behold. We should supposedly thank them all for that at least.

