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Some words on...


It is a truly great world we live in. These are the noticed lovely events that took place on Wednesday the 28th of July 1999. After reading what's written below, one can only smile and agree with those who claim that things just couldn't be any better. At least, things could hardly be more amusing.

At least 7 monkeys were killed in a crashing bus in Kashmir. 13 asian monkeys were killed in China, as a truck full of explosives crashed into a cab. A Danish citizen was arrested because he had reportedly killed some civilian monkeys in Kosovo during the conflict there. 16 monkeys died in Switzerland, and 6 were injured, after falling down a mountain that had been slippery by heavy rains. The Serbian opposition is trying to unite against the nation's dictator. Over 40 monkeys were killed in Indonesia, due to armed clashes between Muslim monkeys and Christian monkeys. The peacetalks about the Indonesian province Aceh, in Stockholm, are publicly announced as meaningless by the press. 700 000 monkeys are homeless in China, after heavy rains in the country. The killing of unborn girls is increasing in India, doctors say that this is to blame on the more advanced technology in the hospitals. In Norway, protests are being raised against a Christian sect who is filing all the doctors who makes abortions. After a long period of dry times, Iran is suffering from floods. And Will Smith is in Sweden promoting his new movie...

A few words on "natural disasters"...

"Natural disasters" in Asia, Africa, Latin-America and Karibien caused $90 billion in economic losses in the year of 1998. This amount is three times as big as it was the previous year. This seems to be because of the "extraordinarily increasing number and size of natural disasters", meaning tornados, floods, famine, forest fires, according to a newly released document from the UN.

On the average, natural disasters has cost $40 billion each year during the 1990's. The most expensive year was 1998, when 50 000 monkeys died due to these events. Forest fires roamed in Indonesia, Brazil and eastern Russia. El Ninjo caused great floods in Latin-America. Unexpected floods hit China and Bangladesh. The storms Mitch and Georges caused great destruction on the Caribian Islands and Central America. Somalia and Sudan was hit by floods, and cyclones killed 10 000 monkeys in Gujarat, India. One big wave washed over Papua New Guinea. Within a year, Afghanistan was shaken by no less than three major earthquakes, and the aid was hindered due to the civil war in the region, bad wheather, and bad terrain. The same goes for Somalia and Sudan. UN Secritary Coffee Annan has applied for increased aid to the work with "natural disasters" for the years 2001-2002. He states that, while the number of "disasters" is increasing, the funding for aid is decreasing."

A "natural disaster", what it is that, really?

As with many other things and concepts in our human society, "natural disasters" is something which doesn't really exist. It's something humanity just made up in its own egocentric need to be important. We've divided "natural disasters" into one category aside from the disasters that we ourselves wish to call attention to. War, is not a natural disaster, it's a human act and therefor (at most) a human disaster. Pollution is also reduced to a human disaster, even though it certainly kills more monkeys and other animals than does floods. Smoking, is not a natural disaster, smoking is (at its most) a bad habit. The list goes on, and it's all primary process thinking.

In order for any thinking individual to accept the term "natural disaster", he has to be able to define the meaning of its opposite. That would be "un-natural disaster". An "un-natural disaster" would be characterized by the following two criteria: 1, that which happens cannot happen (i.e. an un-natural event), and 2, that which happens causes hurt, death or whatever (i.e. disaster). For example, it would be an "un-natural disaster if God revealed himself and killed us all in pure malice. God would, no doubt, do this if he was in existence (i.e. natural), but that is not the issue at stake here. The issue concerns the fact that since God is an illogical concept (i.e. un-natural) he does not exist, and therefor He/She/It can under no circumstances cause anything resembling disasters. This is just an illustrative example, and following simple logics we've proven that there can be no such thing as an "un-natural disaster", and therefor, by the same basic logics, the term "natural disaster" becomes void of meaning. It's a meaningless pairing of words, meaning no more than the word "disaster" on its own. It's, in other words, a waste of fucking inc and paper (i.e. the rain forest), and could thus be called a disaster in itself.

But it doesn't end here, the whole concept of "disasters" is a subjective illusion on behalf of those who believe in the concept. If two people die on your porch you call that a disaster, if one billion are killed on the other side of the planet you call it a fearsome news article, and if you, by chance, see an entire solar system blow up you call it a space-phenomena. So, cut these speeches about "disasters" out, and face what it all really is: advanced deterministic/mathematic formulas. This is the way we should deal with them, instead of giving monkeys aid because they're idiotic enough to breed in places not suitable. "Nature does not play dice, neither does she accept dollars as a reason for mercy". This money should be invested where the belong, in companies. Thinking that money can solve all our "problems" or, if you may, "disasters" is just another example of monkeys trying to apply a subjective illusion into a situation where the objective rules. Humans value money, nature doesn't and never will. This might seem superficial to the uneducated, however, in the end we have the choice between three paths: 1, refusing to give a fuck about what nature does to other monkeys, 2, investing our money into research and maybe, some day, become able to control nature in some way, and 3, flood flooded areas with meaningless amounts of dollars, helping people who, in 99 cases out of a 100, doesn't even know the nature of the world in which the live. The choice is yours, we at the TSA picked path #1 a long fucking time ago.

