Some words on...
The associates at the Total Scorn Inc. desires one peculiar thing which have so for been lost to all of us monkeys. A survey concerning how many times every day a common person stops to think about the fact that he/she is going to die. The reason for this desire is quite simple: As soon as one remembers that fact that death is the final outcome of everything we will ever do, one has no other choice than to look at things quite differently than one did before.
"Fuck hope!"
/George Carlin
"Life sucks, get a fucking helmet..."
/Denis Leary
"Suck it up while it lasts, cause this is gonna hurt."
"Life is just a party, and parties arn't meant to last"
/One SSHL-dork
"Indulge in apathy and you shall behold the ultimate truth."
The things is, most of the bullshit that is going on in this world is based on the forlorn fallacy that humans indulge in when it comes to their own mortality. Turning death into somthing which it is not. Talking about "lives-after-this-one" and so on. The result of this fallacy has led, and is still leading, to numerous idiotic (very funny) events and statements in society, as humans are made able to find causes for these insane actions and words in their own insane view of their own situation.
A person that has faced the truth concerning death (i.e. that he/she will die and that this is such a final event that he/she will not even experience it) is completely unable to form any sort of ideals or morals concerning future nor past. An idealist who claims to understand his own mortality is a fucking liar.
In a world where people understood death for what it was, there would be no signs of the following things:
1 - Religion
2 - Wars (... wars are started because of ideals, whether it's the ideal of money, or the ideal of religion. It does not matter, ideals all the same.)
3 - ... and people would think, act and speak in a much more conclusive way (i.e. not like the monkeys they all are presently).
RELIGION, WAR, DEATH. As you might have noticed these three words occur much on the Total Scorn site, and in case of you being a complete moron we shall explain why this is so:
These three issues are closely linked together. WAR is the result of RELIGION. RELIGION is the result of an intellectual fallacy concerning DEATH. DEATH (intellectual or physical) is the result of RELIGION/WAR. However, while DEATH can (and will) exist in its true form without the existence of RELIGION and WAR, these latter issue would disappear as soon as the true nature of DEATH was revealed to those who have not seen it yet.
If you have any doubt about this equation, then trust us - for we speak from a personal experiance that obviously outmatches yours. We can clearly and surely promise you the following:
A person who is not religious (i.e. a "nihilist") would under no circumstances raise arms for something as hypocritical as a "nation", a "church", an ideal, or any other object (abstract or tangible) that demands the subjective illusion of value from its followers. The only situation where a "nihilist" would ever "go to war" (or "go to church" for that matter) would be when he/she is threatened physically.
Hence, we (i.e. the "nihilists") have the solution to some of the "greatest problems" that humanity is facing right now. Ironically, we are the ones being called "wicked" and "evil" by those who has still not reached our intellectual level. We honestly find this very funny.
And when it comes to the state of the planet, we simply can't care. Besides, remembering the beautifully true words of George Carlin: "The planet is FINE, the people are FUCKED."