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Some words on...


The present situation in this region of the world is the result of a rather long story. This story concerns the Jews and how badly this people has been treated by its brethren (i.e. other humans). We have chosen to account for this situation because it illustrates, in a very flagrant way, what religious systems have to offer us human beings in life.

Even though it might serve some point, we shall not deal with the long lost past in this review. For example, we will not be saying anything about the time when the Jews were painting doors in Egypt with blood, or when they were splitting up seas in order to escape the angry owners of those doors. We will not account for these events because of three reasons. First of all this happened very long ago, so long ago in fact, that no sane human being in present day society would attach and relevance to them. Secondly, these events are well covered by common knowledge, due the schooling most of us still get. Thirdly, the facts about these events are drawn from the most inconclusive, unreliable and stupid human work of fiction ever created, and thus any further reasoning about them seems quite pointless from our perspective. We gladly leave all these tales alone, sure of the fact that there are enough monkeys out there who will argue in these meaningless matters anyway.

We will instead start where the real fun starts in history concerning the Jews and their promised land. In other words, we shall start 1939 in Germany. What happened here was the following known facts: Hitler got the political power in Germany, and playing on the ideals and emotions of the masses he managed to form one of the strongest religious systems ever seen on the so-called modern world. In short words, a brutal, primitive cult called National Socialism, which we will surely deal with in more detail later (as the topic deserves a page of its own here at the TSA).

For the Jews living in Europe around this time, the rise of Hitler was quite an unlucky event, as about 8 million of them were killed in a very practical and industrial manner. However, Hitler was by all means a fag compared to his allied/enemy communist friend Stalin, who managed to shoot so many Jews (and blended all-sorts of people) that no-one actually knows the exact numbers. Stalin did away with about 20 million monkeys, but since he "won" that war he got away with the whole thing, which is one of the reasons to why he managed to kill so many people in the first place. Stalin was a great guy, he'll get a page of his own at the TSA as well.

As it is with all parties, also Hitler's little party ended in 1945. The so-called liberal world had won the war, and the keen of Jews saw a new dawn at the horizon. The thing was, after all the years of fighting and blowing shit up, every one were overcome by a sudden feel of sympathy for eachother. The US sent huge sums of money to the Germany, in order rebuild the cities they'd been smashing to shit just a few months ago. The Swedish government started importing "victims of war", just after they'd stopped exporting valuable raw-materials to Nazi-Germany. It was a time of brotherhood and hope for the future. We at the TSA are truly sorry we never had the chance to experience all this, for we would truly have laughed ourselves to death.

And of course, the poor, lonely Jews were felt sorry for like never before.

The intellectuals of the world (read:USA) put their big heads together in order to figure out the great problem which the Jews suddenly had gone and gotten themselves attached to. For in the aftermath of the Second World War some guy (and this guy should have been involved in the space program) figured out that the Jews had no country to live in. All the more terrible, it seemed, was the fact that the Jews in fact hadn't had a country of their own to live for about 2000 years. In the times of brotherhood and sympathy for others, regardless of faith and color, this simply seemed unacceptable to the leaders of the world (read:US).

After much reclusive thinking, a solution was found. A Jewish state was formed in the region of the world where, according to a mentioned work of fiction, the promised land of all Jews was located. A couple of flights later, the state of Isreal was formed, and everyone was happy. However, there was one little, tiny, funny, peculiar problem. Apperantly the team of monkeys working around the clock to find this solution had missed one little minor detail in their processing. The people who had been living in this area of the world since the Jews, according to a work of fiction, were fucked backwards out of there.

This, however, was not a problem, on the contrary, the leaders of the world (read: USA) found that this was all one big great asset. Because as the muslims and palestinians got pissed of and started ranting and raving about their holy country being taken, the US had a perfect chance to once and for all show the world just what a sad peice of shit people these islamic assholes really were.

Isreal became a tactical geographical position for the West (i.e. US), and has remained such ever since. When the muslims attacked the (no longer humble) Jews, weaponry and money were pumped into Isreal to such and extent that they could hardly store it all. And if it was not for all the external funding, no-one would today give a flying fuck about the presidential elections of this little artificial state.

There are a few quite inconclusive points about the actions taken to make the Jews happy after the Second World War. First of all, this was all done at the expense of a people that had never had anything to do with all the really atrocious things done toward the Semites. The muslims never took any great, relevant stand in the war, and they have throughout history been one of the most tolerant groups when it came to the treating of the Jewish people. It would have been much more conclusive to for example take a part of Germany, kick all the former Nazis out of there, and make a Jewish state there. But instead, a popullation that had nothing to do with anything had to suffer.

Of course, the muslims in Jerusalem never actually had to suffer. It's like they were facing the same kind of genocide as the Jews had been facing with Hitler. But one has to remember what kind of people these muslims and Palestinians are, the executives of this plan should have re-scheduled. Given the fact that muslims care for the same work of fiction as the Jews do, furthermore they even have an even more ridiculous book of their own, it should have been fairly easy to calculate their reaction to this deal in advance. Of course they'd go on a Holy War, and of course we'd end up with having to watch these morons burn flags and blow themselves up (very,very funny!) for decades.

The situation in "Isreal" goes to show, in a very vivid way, the fact that people are no better than one another. In fact, who is evil and who is the tortured minority is decided, not by faith or anything commonly thought but, by relative circumstances. It can of course be argued that the Jews deserve to be "on top", now that they've gone through a history of getting the shit kicked out of them. But we trust that even the most liberal cunts will find this argument hollow.

The truth is that there is no side for which a serious spectator can take a stand. For everyone in this situation are wrong, and no single one of them has so far made a single correct action. The US can hardly be accused of having humane intentions in this little conflict, and even though we'd rather have the US bully the muslims than the other around, it cannot be seriously argued that the US is without objective fault. The Jews, and the muslims too of course, should take their religious pride and stick it up eachothers assholes. After all, it is two very similar faiths we're talking about here, so they should fit perfectly.

The final point, or shall perhaps call a conclusive word a wisdom concerning this short review, would be the following: We at the TSA completely fail to see the problem when it comes to situations such as these. These situations are caused by the fact that monkeys, due to subjective, meaningless, false, ideals and emotions, are unable to live with eachother. The Jews and muslims are having a hard time getting along because they consider eachother unworthy of the same place. In other words, they do not wish to live with eachother. Fine! As if that would actually be something with which the rest of the world should be concerned. If two people refuse to live in the house together, there will be a legal dispute and one will retain the ownership of this property. However, just because we're dealing with people who has religious grudges against eachother (or whatever grudges they actually have) everyone seems unable to find any solution. The fallacy here is that everyone's wish suddenly has to be taken in account, which is impossible with two contrasting wishes. So, not only should we not even concern ourselves with this silly mockery of human capability, but we should also face the fact that the solution to this problem has not yet even been mentioned by anyone. There are three conclusive solutions: Number one is to adhere to the principles of nature. This would result in the US telling the muslims to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the Isreali's way. The second solution would be to act according to the laws of moral, which would result in the Jews getting the fuck out of the muslims way. The third option would be the path of reason, which would result in both Jews and muslims forgetting about thier moronic faith and thus forever live in nihilistic peace with eachother without any problems or disputes what-so-ever.

Naturally, all of these three conclusive solutions are impossible. Since the people involved in this situation are stupid. The first solution would cause a Holy War. The second solution would cause the US president all his chances of being re-elected. And the third option is simply impossible, or at least a couple of hundred years away.

We at the TSA greet these facts with great joy, as we can now be sure to, also in the distant future, be able to turn on our TV-sets and watch these monkeys continue their stupidities into the next millenium.


