A bike is one of the most important things you'll need for a triathlon. The picture of the bike above is similar to my bike, but mine is black, and has aero bars. It is a Softride, and it is awesome!! I'm going to help one with some bike information for a triathlon. NOTE: I am not a professional triathlete, nor am I an expert triathlete. I'm just a beginner, and what I'm sharing with you is knowledge that I have gained in the past several months that I've been in the sport.
桧ne needs to have a good road bike. I personally like the Softride bikes, but there are several other good bikes. Prices range, and you need to shop around before you purchase a bike.
肘n a sprint distance race, you don't need any specific clothes for the bike. Just bike in your speedos. Don't even bother putting on a shirt. Those seconds could mean the difference between 1st and 3rd.
漂ou'll need a good helmet. All Triathlons require that you wear a helmet. I have a Specialized AirCut model. I find it very comfortable, and the price is relatively low. These are the colors that this model comes in:
AIRCUT SPECIALIZED HELMET.Average Price is $50.00.
漂ou'll need cycling shoes if you have purchased a road bike with toe clips. Carnac shoes are one of the best in the cycling shoe line. I find it really easy to strap on my shoes, without socks, and go! One needs to get out of the Transition area as fast as possible. This is the pair which I wear.
肘 personally like a pair of Oakley sunglasses. I have the Pro M Frames, which do not bend, and are extremely easy to put one in the transistion area.
While on the bike, drink all the water that you have with you. This is the place where you'll need to hydriate for the run. If you drink all your water while on the bike, you'll have a good healthy run.
When you are approaching the transistion area, the end of your ride, start thinking about your transistion. What are you going to do? How are you going to put your running shoes on? Visualize your transistion so you will do it smoothly and fast.
Good Luck on your Triathlon Experience, and e-mail me if you have any questions.