What Will You Need To Bring To College
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What Will You Need To Bring To College

"Hmm What should I bring with me to college?"

Well, for those of you that have decided that you are going to stay in a hall/dorm, then you will need to take some things with you to college. First, before packing to go to college, you need to do some minor things first:

Returning Your Housing Request

Once you are accepted to a university, usually they will send you information about on-campus housing. Review it, and then send it in ASAP! Even though that University might not be your first choice, still return the request. Usually the school will ask for a deposit, but if you decide not to go to that school, they will usually give you a refund. If you don't return you request, or if it is too late, you may not get a room. That would be bad!!

Visit Your Room Before

When you go to orientation, or before, visit the room or a room similar to yours so you know how much living space you will have for the upcoming school year. See what is provided and what is not. Usually, rooms are provided with a refrigerator, bed, closets, and a desk and chair. But make sure you find out before you arrive the week before school starts.

Buy "College Survival"

I recieved this book for my birthday. It is a great book! I didn't open it up until the day we started traveling for orientation. It was really neat. It pre-warned you about orientation, what to bring to college, college terms, and how to handle college life. It is mainly a crash course for students by students.

What Should You Bring To College

Good luck packing and good luck at school!



Email: jbjaso@u.arizona.edu