Why Pick University of Arizona
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Why Pick University of Arizona

Why Did I Pick The University of Arizona? I chose the University of Arizona for several reasons:

There are so many reasons why YOU should attend the University of Arizona. UA is one of the best colleges in the nation! You can't get a better education anywhere! At the U of A, all your Professors care about you. They don't just think of you as a Social Security Number, rather a person trying to succeed in life. The University of Arizona is ranked 16th in the nation in research and development, some 190 National Merit finalist chose to come here last year, and the faculty include Nobel and Pulitzer prize winners. It would not be uncommon to be reading the very book that your Professor wrote.

Those were just a few of the reasons why you should choose The University of Arizona has your next school. For more information, or if you would like an UA application, contact the Admissions Office



Email: jbjaso@u.arizona.edu