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Want to get to know me a little?
       Hi my name is Jennifer.  So, let me just share a bit about me. I am originally Southern Grown from North Carolina. I have Red hair and Freckles and Fire that goes with, I've been told. Growing up sure wasn't easy but, I guess all that teasing builds character. Sounds good anyway, huh?  Well, I sure shed alot tears....being the sensitive type. I am also Creative . I used to drive that Mom of mine and everybody else crazy with Singing {whatever came up in my head} and Dancing in the Living Room wanting everyone to watch - none other than - ME - my favorite subject. I am honest cuz - well, as my kid Rob would say: "Why lie? Myself will know." I love Faeries as you noticed and Ballerina's. I Love Spiritual Things that help improve myself. I pratice having an open-mind along with being as willing as I can to take direction and try new things. I Love Nature and God. I feel that life is to be lived in the moment the best I can and learn new things along with lessons of life itself. I also believe that if I do not get the lesson it'll keep coming back until I get it Sound like I'm in recovery? Well, yep - I sure am. I love NA and the program. It's changed my life in a very good way and my children and Mom - too! I have TWO sons that think that they are Men But, I'm not sure if their mental process has caught up with their bodies. They are my guys though and I love 'em. My Mom is pretty kewl She is a wonderful gift in my Life. She is also my Friend with advice that only someone whose been on the planet and made lots of mistakes can share with someone like me who hasn't been here but a moment. I Love and Admire my Mom and all her Wisdom and Loving Care. I never thought in my best days when I was wild and High that I would ever say that.  LOL!!!  I Have some really nice friends that without them life would be ...... Hummmmmmm ...... not the same!!!  I didn't try to make this sound like I am taking an award of some sort .... but, if I were I bet my friends would agree that it would be for being a Silly-Weirdo!         Hehehe!!!!!!           Here's some things I like.
I Love Giraffe's
I am a Certified Hypnotherapist!
If you would like more information on sessions and/or tapes
please look here 
Ode to Redhaeds Poem
by Tom Robbins
Please let me know whatcha think, K?