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David Baerwald Setlists

All music is for trade only, not for sale!!!

I can only tape to DAT format!!!

Title: Bedtime Stories
Format: CD
Source: STD
Generation: 0
Length: 75
Date: 1990
Location: ?
Set list:
  1. All For You
  2. Good Times
  3. Dance
  4. Hello Mary
  5. The Best Inside You
  6. Young Anymore
  7. Sirens In The City
  8. Liberty Lies
  9. Walk Through Fire
  10. Colette
  11. In The Morning
  12. Stranger
Note: Out of Print.
Title: Triage
Format: CD
Source: STD
Generation: 0
Length: 70
Date: 1992
Location: ?
Set list:
  1. A Secret Silken World
  2. The Got No Shotgun Hydra Head Octopus Blues
  3. Nobody
  4. The Waiter
  5. AIDS And Armageddon
  6. The Postman
  7. A Bitter Tree
  8. China Lake
  9. A Brand New Morning
  10. Born For Love
Note: Out of Print.
Setlist Index
Tradelist: Geocities