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Bruce Springsteen Setlists - 1973

All music is for trade only, not for sale!!!

I can only tape to DAT format!!!

Format: Tape
Source: FM
Generation: ?
Length: 35
Date: 1/10/73
Location: WBCN Studios, Boston, MA
Set list:
Format: Tape
Source: ?
Generation: ?
Length: 45
Date: 1/18/73
Location: Max's Kansas City, New York, NY
Set list:
Format: Tape
Source: CD "Smalltown Boy"
Generation: ?
Length: 90
Date: 4/24/73
Location: The Main Point, Bryn Mawr, PA
Set list:
Title: Forgotten Songs
Format: Tape
Source: CD
Generation: ?
Length: 45
Date: 6/5/92
Location: ?
Set list: Note: These six songs were sent on a 6-song acetate to Intersong, an English music publisher.
Format: Tape
Source: Unsurpassed Vol 2 CD
Generation: ?
Length: 45
Date: 7/23/73
Location: NYC Serenade, New York, NY
Set list:
Format: Tape
Source: ?
Generation: ?
Length: 45
Date: 7/31/73
Location: My Father's Place, Roslyn, NY
Set list:
Setlist Index
Tradelist: Geocities