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Bruce Springsteen Setlists - 1977

All music is for trade only, not for sale!!!

I can only tape to DAT format!!!

Title: Son You May Kiss the Bride
Format: Tape
Source: CD
Generation: ?
Length: 45
Date: 1977-79
Location: ?
Set list:
Format: Tape
Source: ?
Generation: ?
Length: 90
Date: 3/4/77
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Set list:
Title: Forced to Confess
Format: Tape
Source: CD
Generation: ?
Length: 180
Date: 3/25/77
Location: Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
Set list:
Format: Tape
Source: ?
Generation: ?
Length: 90
Date: 12/31/77
Location: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, NJ
Set list: Note: See JCard.
Setlist Index
Tradelist: Geocities