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Kate & Anna McGarrigle Setlists

All music is for trade only, not for sale!!!

I can only tape to DAT format!!!

Format: DAT
Source: DAud
Generation: 0
Length: 100
Date: 10/28/98
Location: Largo, Los Angeles, CA
Set list:
Format: CD
Source: DSBD
Generation: 0
Length: 110
Date: 11/6/99
Location: Nepean On Centrepoint, Canada
Set list:
    *** CD 1 ***
  1. The Swimming Song
  2. Goin' Back To Harlan
  3. John Lewis
  4. I Eat Dinner
  5. NaCl (Sodium Chloride)
  6. Heartbeats Accelerating
  7. ?Throw The Curls Away
  8. ?I Was Not Afraid
  9. Why Must We Go

    *** CD 2 ***

  10. Love Is
  11. ?To Make You Fall In Love With Me
  12. ?Don't Tell Me
  13. Allez-Vous-En
  14. Heart Like A Wheel
  15. Alice Blue Gown
  16. Green Green Rocky Road
  17. Who Do You Love
  18. Porte En Arriere
  19. ?
  20. Talk To Me Of Mendocino
  21. Log Driver's Song

Setlist Index
Tradelist: Geocities