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Cheryl Wheeler Setlists

All music is for trade only, not for sale!!!

I can only tape to DAT format!!!

Format: DAT
Source: DSBD
Generation: 0
Length: 60
Date: 8/30/97
Location: Amy's Orchid Café, Camp Mather, CA
Set list:
  1. I Know This Town
  2. TV
  3. Further And Further Away
  4. Estate Sale
  5. All The Live Long Day
  6. ? (Nina Gerber)
  7. Potato


  8. But The Days And Nights Are Long (aka "Boulder Hotel Room")

    Filler: Cheryl Wheeler, unk. date/venue:

  9. Is It Peace Or Is It Prozac?
  10. Just Like God Now
  11. When Fall Comes To New England
Note: w/ Nina Gerber.
Format: CD
Source: DAud
Generation: 0
Length: 90
Date: 10/28/01: AKG 480B w/ CK61 capsules (Cards) > Lunatec V2 > GP ADC-20 > D8
Location: Kerr Cultural Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Set list:
    *** CD 1 ***

    Set I:

  1. ~intro~
  2. Driving Home
  3. ~desert musing~
  4. Summer's Almost Over (AKA "I Love Afghanistan")
  5. ~birthday tractor~
  6. Floyd
  7. ~tv intro~
  8. TV
  9. When Fall Comes To New England
  10. ~Grand Marais, MN~
  11. Alice
  12. ~baseball~
  13. Estate Sale

    Set II:

  14. ~back from break~
  15. ~mortgages~
  16. The Bank
  17. ~Sylvia Hotel intro~
  18. Sylvia Hotel
  19. ~walking with cats~
  20. All The Live Long Day
  21. ~pet toys~
  22. Further And Further Away
  23. Unworthy
  24. Ghandi/Buddha

    *** CD 2 ***

  25. Kathleen's version of Ghandi/Buddha
  26. ~intro to Potato~
  27. Potato
  28. ~intro to Handy House~
  29. Handy House


  30. ?

    Filler: Willy Porter 4/7/01 (same venue)

Setlist Index
Tradelist: Geocities