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Dar Williams Setlists

All music is for trade only, not for sale!!!

I can only tape to DAT format!!!

Format: Tape
Source: DAud
Generation: 2
Length: 100
Date: 10/26/97
Location: Rich Forum, Stamford, CT
Set list:
  1. When I Was A Boy
  2. Iowa
  3. Christians And The Pagans
  4. If I Wrote You
  5. Are You Out There?
  6. Road Buddy
  7. Bought And Sold
  8. Party Generation
  9. End Of The Summer
  10. The Babysitter's Here
  11. Mark Rothko Song
  12. As Cool As I Am
  13. Ballad Of Mary Magdalene
  14. What Do You Hear In These Sounds?


  15. Teenagers Kick Our Butts
  16. The Ocean
  17. Alleluia

Format: DAT
Source: DAud: AKG-C391 > M1, center orchestra
Generation: 0
Length: 60
Date: 6/12/98
Location: Wolftrap, Vienna, VA
Set list:
Format: DAT
Source: DSBD
Generation: 0
Length: 5
Date: 5/30/99
Location: Jailhouse, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Set list:
  1. Wilder Than Her (Fred Eaglesmith) (cut)

Setlist Index
Tradelist: Geocities