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CompuFun introduces family and business web site design for under $100.00. If you're a family, your relatives and friends will enjoy seeing your family photos, newsletter and information from anywhere in the world.

If you're a business owner, your web site is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to inform and assist your clients. The benefits are obvious!'ll never get a better offer than this for the design of your own Home Site!

We specialize in web sites for businesses and individuals who want to have a presence on the web - and not pay an arm and a leg! CompuFun keeps it simple and attractive so that your home page will be up and running in just days.

For under $100.00 you may have a three-page (plus splash) home page design, unlimited links, photographs and a unique design all of your own.

In a hurry? Just e-mail us directly. If you desire CGI or java scripting, CompuFun will consult with you about your site and have an economical plan and quote ready for you within hours.

We look forward to working with you on your new web site, and know you'll appreciate the personal service we offer!

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