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Given the fact that Nihilism stands for the ever-ruling truth of the universe, one starts to wonder why so few people accept it. There are alot of reasons to this problem, and below is an essay I've written trying to include as many as possible of these reasons.

First of all, it has to do with the fact that Nihilism is much more complex than the usual beliefs which excist among humans. A fact which seems to contradict the outspoken "superficiality" which Nihilism represents. Being a Nihilist, and understanding what that means, is much less simple than just "believing the Word of God". The Nihilist has Nothing to feed him/her with opinions or views, he/she must always trust and use his/her own intelect in order to reach conclusions. In order to be a true Nihilist one must have a strong mind (i.e. having a strong intelect, having selfconfidence). The opposite being a "weak mind" (i.e. being stupid, feel as if one is just a brick in a game). Among humans, only a few seem to have this "strong mind". But all is not lost for the rest of humanity, since we're not born with a "strong mind", it has nothing to do with genes. It all depends on the way we're brought up, what influences that we are expsed to during our growth. Some people come out of childhood as strong individuals, some as mental wrecks. Unfortunately, the latter has always been the most frequent case when it comes to mankind.

There is of course a much more superficial explenation to why Nihilism is having great troubles in puplic opinion. For example, it's "anti-religious", "immoral" (to say the least...), "anti-society" and so forth, and this is hardly what moralists will teach their kids. This brings us back to the way people are brought up in the world, the "brain-washing". The reason why we still have badly founded ideals, religions, ethics and failing morals codes of all sorts, is that the elderly try enforce their views upon their offspring. Thus giving us a "bad circle", where the stupidity and lack of knowledge seen among cave-men has survived for thousands of years through the "father-to-son" method.

The people is taught to believe in certain values, and taught to put down all other values without considering them. Thus Nihilism goes under by the sword of stupidity, ignorance and also, blunt fear.

Fear is another factor which keeps Nihilism from making it to the status of "World Religion". People are for example afraid to die. The reason to why they are afraid is that they've been taught fairy-tales about life. Naturally, since they are afraid, they need comfort, and this kind of false comfort is not to find in Nihilism. Because of this, some weak people, will hold on to their moronic beliefs even though they've long ago relized the fact that they're views are wrong. Other people will take their faith into to completely insane proportions, killing eachother for something that isn't there.

Another reason to why Nihilism isn't respected world-wide lies in the Nihilists themselves. The Nihilist has relized that there is no universal meaning in life, and that this is the truth whatever people choose to believe (i.e. a person may well claim that a straight line has turns and twists, but that still won't change the truth). Just because alot of people claim they believe in God doesn't make him real, the Nihilist knows this and is thus not motivated enough to preach his views to the people lost on dreams. On the other hand, Nihilists are often very misantropic in their bihavior to other people. Since "other people" always seem rather stupid in the eyes of the Nihilist. The Nihilist may laugh at these "morons", but he, as all humans, is a group creature and the loneliness hurts him just as anyone else.

Hence, most Nihilist choose to hide in society, keeping to themselves and the few who agree with them. Watching the rest of humanity with a mix of scorn and sorrow.

This is the outline of why Nihilism is not respected by all. One could go on forever explaining the details. People relate it to Satanism, Nazims, Anarchy etc. People dwell in their ignorance, fall victim to false propagande made by other mislead men and women. The "other people" simply does not have the intelect to face the facts of life, and well,,, fuck them, it's their problem.

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