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A little account written by an other guy, which I have included merely because it gives a quite vivid account for how nihilistic rage feels for those who are affected by it.

I Just can't HATE ENOUGHT!!!!!!! I AM JUSTICE. You're so fucking pathetic. ARGH. You think you'll succeed, in making me hate myself, but you know what, since the first day of my first day of alienation, my hatred was pointed at you...

Who THE FUcK ARE YOU? You got any integrity left? ALl I see is weakness.

and Society and humankind ... what the fuck is your problem? I'll be the one to take the both of you out, REEEEEEEEED. I am seeeing fucking RED.. No WAY iN HELL You can materialize the DISGUST i feel realising you're STill Here...

Lashing Out, that's what i'll keep doing until i die. but one motherfucking day you know, it won't be neccessary to hate any longer, because you all will be gone or evolved, even if you don't like it or not, that's the plan...

APOCALYPSE OR ASCENSION . Which ever it'll be, i support whole heartedly..

Light the fire deep within in your heart and go out, take a good look around, watch the insects heading your way, looking at you, look at them, you see the pattern? anyway out of here? CONFUSION.. good. KEEP it on..

Burn forever fucking burn.. in rage. there's no use in wasting your love, the chosen few might be loved. ANNIHILATE Annihilate

There's a nuclear bomb going on right now, it's scaring and creating confusion and alot of motherfuckers are understanding that they're end might soon come.

and i Fucking hail that. so i'm just a what you call a misanthropic soul? it's easy, it's real easy for you to make up terms to put me in your little grey boxes of apathy...

but you know what, Life is great, love is great, but you're the problem friend, fucking foe fucking foe..

thats all for now, more hatred on the way...

HATRED is good.
~The End~

Click Here and you'll be taken to the page set up by the author of the above written piece of art. It's not a very good page, but it has it's moments of superior thoughts, statements and hatred.

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