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~The List Of Accusations~


Below there is a kind of list where I shall put all the arguments I can remember saying that I am a poser. These statements are taken from quotes of different people I've ran into throughout my life in different places. No names will occur, as I am sure it would be rather unpleasant for these people. (These people are very concerned about their image you see.)

1: Some people have said that I am poser because I look as if I am angry way to much in their opinion. I true metal maniac shall not look angry in other words, remember this! This comment was given by a guy who listened to hardrock a good while ago, and was very true metal. Later he converted to hip-hop, and he is now the truest rap-gangsta-muthafucka there is. I'm not even going to get started about this guy, my sarcasms would never end.

2: I am also a poser because I don't care to much about other people who listen to the same music. A true metal maniac shall in other words have empathy and care for other people who listen to the same kind of music, even though these people might be idiots.

3: I am a poser because I do stick to what I like when it comes to music, and don't listen to stuff I don't like just cause it's "cult". I.e. a true metal maniac shall listen to "true" music, even though it might not be the best music, or rather, the music he likes. Being a true metal maniac it's important to listen to the "right" music, hence, the true metal maniac is not fully free to listen to whatever he wants.

4: Poser as I am, I don't like the music of the more resent trends in the scene. A true metal maniac shall be loyal to all those unoriginal brothers and sisters out there doing the same thing over and over again. This kind of contradicts statement number 3, but who cares? It's true!

5: I am a poser bacause I have not always been posing with my taste of music through cloth's. I true metal maniac must dress true to be true on the inside.

6: I've also been called a poser because I now-a-days dress almost only in black (true clothing), for a true metal maniac should not dress too true. Again a nice, cute, and lovely contradiction. One little true metal man once even told me that one should only dress "metal" when one was out in the city at night or something like that, while one should dress more normal in school. Now I dress the same no-mather where I go. And I fully understand why I'm the one who's a poser. Yeah....

7: I've been called a poser by people older than me. A true metal maniac must be older than everyone in order to be true.

8: I listened to Alice Cooper a few years ago, but now-a-days I listen almost only to Black Metal. Hence, I am a poser! A true metal maniac must stick to everything he's ever liked and listened to, otherwise he's not ignorant,,, I mean,,, true enough. Not that I see these metal-maniacs hailing Roxette and all the other shit we all know they listened to before they became true.

9: I am a poser because I do not respect other peoples views as long as they do not agree with me. A true metal maniac must feel bonds to other extremists, even though these other extremists might be completely fucked in the head.

10: I guess one could say, that I am a metal poser because I'm a Nihilist and not a fucking freak with ignorant (however distorted) morals, lost in a mace of trueness and an undying need to be cool. I think my most poser-like characteristic is the fact that I do not give a fuck about the term itself at all. I love being called a poser, cause then I know that I am not considered to be one of those true metal maniacs, and I am very happy that I'm not.

11: A true metal maniac must have listened to his music for a very long time. And it's even okay to lie in order to be true. I know of a very true guy who said "yeah, I listened to that record back in 1990!!", later it was discovered that the song talked about was released in 1992. This is all okay for a metal manaic. It's also very funny how everyone who's about 20 has listened to metal since they were about 8 years old, while an 8 year-old metal maniac has never been sighted. You know why? Well, it's simple. True metal maniacs stretch the truth about themselves. Just like guys have a tendency to lie about the date when they lost their virginity. So from this we can draw two conclusions. 1, true metal maniacs were borned with Iron Maiden playing walkmans and, 2, there are no virgins among males, ever.

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