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Zodiac Enterprises Creative Consulting

Astrology Charts

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"Choose a job you love, and you'll never work another day in your life."

-Kung Fu Tse (Confucius)

The science and art of astrology can be compared to having a road map to Life - it won't necessarily get you to your destination, but it can provide valuable insight along the way.

Click here for a Brief History of Astrology.

As an astrologer, my primary goal is to help others discover and pursue their dharma or right livelihood. If you feel a calling toward a more spirit-based career direction, but aren't certain of the best way to get there, a careful and intuitive analysis of your chart can help clarify your skills, your "calling" and your life's purpose.

For Example...

Barbi was working in the trucking industry and, although she liked her job, she felt called to devote her energy into a more spiritual direction. Financial considerations kept her in her present position until fate intervened and an accident occurred which prevented her from pursuing her old line of work.

At a crossroads, Barbi had me examine her chart. The indicators clearly pointed to a career related to the healing arts, with a strong emphasis on an earthy involvement.

Today Barbi is an herbalist and feels that she has found her niche at last.

I can help you discover and develop your best assets and help you find the work in life which will bring you the greatest satisfaction. And - once you've determined your best career direction, I can help you market your skills and talents to the marketplace, by professionally preparing your Resume Package.

For a career direction analysis, send your birth date, time and place to: Initial chart analysis is priced at US$50.00. Payment is accepted via
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personal check or money order. Charts will be completed and sent via snail-mail when payment has cleared. To order a chart, send birth data (date, time, city, state and country) to:

If you feel that you urgently need the analysis, and cannot afford the above-stated fee, please contact me for additional arrangements. I will not deny my help to anyone who is truly in need.

Once your birth chart is on file with ZECC, updates can be obtained periodically at a cost of US$35 and up.

Learn more about "Lilith: The Dark Moon" and her place in astrology.

Book Review: "Edgar Cayce's Astrology For The Soul" Learn what the Cayce readings say about astrology.

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