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If you think that my page deserves your award, please send the HTML code to !! Thanx!!

This is my very first award!! Isn't it nice?? Thanx to Tsukino Tenshi's Sailor Moon Gallery!! I won it on July 19th, 1999.

This is my second award. I won it for getting all the answers right on a Sailor Moon Quiz!! I won it on July 30th, 1999.

Quiz Award

This is my third award. You can win one too. All you have to do is click on it and it will bring you right to the site with the HTML code, as they are giving it away for free. I won it on July 30th, 1999.


~Destiny Powered Award~

This is my forth award. I got it from Sailor Pluto's Street Fighter Page. It has lots of good info on both the Street Fighters and the Sailor Scouts. Thanx Chun-Li and Vega! They said "...I've given you the Sailor Pluto's Most Valuable site award because i like your site. You've had a great start. The information sections must have taken a long time to complete..." I won it on August 1st, 1999.


Sailor 4 Jupiter's Sailor Scout Page
Sailor 4 Jupiter

This is my fifth award. Thanx Funshine Venus! She said: "...Congrats! You've won Funshine Venus' Award for a Brite Site! ( This is a *new* award i haven't put up on my page yet- and you're the first to win it!!) I really enjoyed your page and it was very kawaii! Great Job =)...Thanks for visiting my page and applying for an award! *^-^* FunshineVenus" I won it on August 2nd, 1999.

This is my sixth award. I got it from Heather's Sailor Moon Page. She said: "I like your site alot. I noticed that it is raw html. Good Job...Your site will be featured on my page. -Heather" This is what she has written on her page: "~Sailor 4 Jupiter's Sailor Scout Page is a great page that is written in raw HTML. She has pictures and facts on almost every character on the show, English or Japanese. Aside from that she has episode summaries, midis, and links! Another great sailor page!" Thanx Heather!! ^_^ I won it on August 3rd, 1999.

This is my seventh award. I won it for beating Hairball The Cat in a game. I won it on August 3rd, 1999.

This is my eighth award. I won it from Sailor Pluto's Street Fighter Page for joining their webring. Thanx!! I won it on August 4th, 1999.

This is my ninth award. I won it from Sailor Moon Heaven for getting all the answers right on a quiz. I won it on August 5th, 1999.

This is my tenth award. I won it for getting all the answers right on Rini's Quiz on Sailor Capricorn's MOON PRISM POWER!! site. I won it on August 5th, 1999.

This is my eleventh award. I won it just for applying for an award at Mara's Page. I won it on August 8th, 1999.

This is my twelfth award. I won it for having quick loading backgrounds, pics, etc. I won it on August 9th, 1999.

This is my thirteenth award. I won it from Chibi Sailor Katie, and the Save Our Galaxia Club. I won it for having a cute site. I won it on August 10th, 1999.

These are my fourteenth and fifteenth awards. I won them from The first one is for having good Manga info and pics, and the second one just cuz she likes my site!! Here is what she had to say: "I have visited your site, and..... I love it, sure it needs a little work just like mine but the idea is good and your info more original than what I've seen on some err other sights I like how you combined stuff from the Manga and Anime and have not well totally discounted the NA version...Anyway I decided since you liked the Manga award best I'd give you that one and I also thought, well... I just finished making a few more awards and I'd thought well I'd throw in another one I think fits your page, I would give you Jupiter one, but I'm trying to find the perfect pics because she in my fave character!!". Thanx!! ^_^ I won them on August 14th, 1999.

This is my sixteenth award. I won it from Tom. Thanx!! :) I won it on August 15th, 1999.

Sailor Moon Shrine Award of Excellence