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Special thanx to:

-The Sailor Moon Toolbox, for providing me with some info on gif. and jpg. files. You'll find them in my links section. Also, for letting me use some of their buttons and backgrounds, as well as the picture for signing/viewing my Guestbook.

-Cooki0005 ^o^, for helping me make the banner for my site. Cooki0005 ^o^ did an awesome job, and I hope you like the banner she made as much as I do! I absolutely LOVE it! Thanx a million Cooki0005 ^o^! Go to my links section if you want to go to her site. Go to my link me page to link to me.

-Nyanko and Mamoru for letting me use some of their info about the scouts on my page. Since they don't have a banner they're not on my links page. Click here to visit their awesome site! I also want to thank them for letting me use their pic of Sailor Cosmos and Chibi Chibi, Manga style.

-SMRC for letting me use some of their buttons. You'll find them in my links section. By the way, they're looking for new people to take over their site.

-CereCere/Sailor Ceres for letting me use some of the pics from her Candy Shop. You'll find her site in my links section.

-An EXTRA special thanx to Hitoshi Doi, Toshi Nibunnoichi ( for letting me use pics of Sailor Galaxia, The Amazon Trio, The Death Busters, and The Black Moon family. Sorry, no link to that page available yet, but I'll put one in next time I update.

-Sailor Safire for the animated pics on my Sailor Pluto Page. Go to my links section to get to Sailor Safire's Pluto Page.

-Sailor Pluto's Street Fighter Page for most of the Real Audio Files on my Lyrics Page . They originally came from RealAnime, but that site is now closed. Also, for letting me use some of their animated gifs. To get to Sailor Pluto's Street Fighter Page, go to my links section.

-This page for some pics and animated gifs.

-Ziggy's Image Gallery for letting me use some of their animated gifs. Go to my links section to go to their page.

-Rowena for the Diana background on my Diana Page, which I found at the SM Toolbox (mentioned above). I don't have a banner for her page, Sailor Moon Cyber City, so just click on that link.

-Funshine Venus, for a couple of animated gifs. Click here to go to her page.

-Helco Prins for the seperator on my Sailor 4 Jupiter Page. Link to that page will be available soon.

-SlSaturn for telling me that Karberas' English name is Avery, and also for telling me the Outer Scouts English names, rumoured, real, and Manga. Also, for telling me that "Oh Starry Night" comes from "Raye's Day in the Spotlight", and for telling me about one of sailor venus' attacks that I didn't have. Thanx!! ^_^

-Amy's Sailor Moon, in my links section, for some backgrounds. for letting me use some of her animated gifs. Her site is Sailor Moon Heaven (located in my links section). I was supposed to upload them, but I don't know how to, so hopefully I'll be able to keep them. Also, thanx for some of the songs in my Songs & Lyrics section.

-Erin-Chan for a buch of the pics I have on my page, Manga and Anime. A lot of the Manga ones she scanned herself. Check out Sailor Moon, her page.

-Thunder Crash for letting me use some of her animated gifs (which she made herself) and some of the pics on her page. To go to her site or e-mail her, click on the links below:

The Sailor Moon Animated GIFs seen on this page were made by Thunder Crash. For information on borrowing her gifs, please e-mail her at To see more Animated GIFs or her Neptune Shrine, visit

I was supposed to put this banner on the page that I used her animated gifs on, but since I put them on lots of pages, and not all the animated gifs on those pages were made by her, I didn't. Sorry Thunder Crash, but thanx for the animated gifs and pics!! ^_^

-Catsy for a bunch of backgrounds!! Visit her page, Catsy's Realm!!

-Nefdar's Sailor Moon Shrine for a bunch of pics and voice clips.

-The Manga Of Takeuchi Naoko for lots of info on the Sailor V Manga, and the Sailor Moon Manga. There is translations for them all.

-The Makaiju Project for letting me use some of their pics and info.

-Fish Eye and Tiger Eye for letting me use a bunch of their pics of the Amazoness Quartet/the Asteroid Senshi and the Amazon Trio, both Manga and Anime. Check out their site, the Amazone.

-Rebecca Wire for telling me one of Sailor Mercury's attacks that I didn't have.