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Egg Flower Shrimp Soup
(Yield: 5 Servings)


1 lb md Shrimp (peeled and deveined)
8 slices Fresh ginger (quarter sized)
5 cs Chicken broth
2 tsps Soy sauce
1 c Frozen petite peas (thawed)
1/2 c Green onions (thinly sliced)
2 lrge Eggs (slightly beaten)
1tsp Salt
1 tsp Black pepper
1 tbsps cornstarch
1/2 c Water

1. Using a mallet or back of a knife, pound ginger slices so juice can seep out.   In a sauce pan, combine ginger, broth, and soy sauce.  Cover and bring to a boil.  Then reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes.

2.  Remove and discard ginger. Return soup to boil and stir in shrimp, peas, and green onions.  Slowly drizzle eggs over soup.  Cook on medium heat for 3-5 minutes until shrimp is cooked. 

3. Mean while, mix cornstach with 1/2 c water and set aside.  Stir up soup to break up eggs.  Slowly add cornstarch mixture to soup and mix well.  Season to taste with salt and pepper then serve.
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