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~* Justin Quotes *~

"Let's play some basketball baby!" (Disney Concert Special

""Oh you're not pressin' that button!" (Disney Concert Special)

"What's up wit' dat' ya'll!?" (Disney Concert Speical)

"I hope he doesn't puke on my..that would be really bad." (Disney Concert Speical)

"Whatever your dream is, you have to practice your craft to make it the best that it could possibly be." (Disney Concert Special)

"Gee, let me think...screaming girls. I dunno." (Rosie)

"Happy little Busta left a happy little doo~doo in my bunk" (Rosie)

"I ain't got nobody to dance with!" (TGIF)

"Crunk Baby Crunk!!" (TGIF)

"Crunk,Crunk baby. It means get your party on tonight,gonna get it crunk. That's what you say." (The set of Sabrina)

"I'm Justin and I am 21..uh, maybe not. I'm 17 and I am from Memphis Tennessee." (Kathie Lee Christmas Special '98)

"I'm goin to the finals! I'm goin to Disney World!" (Rock N Jock)

"I'm gettin jiggy baby!" (Rock N Jock)

"Let it go Carson, just let it go." (Nsync tv -MTV-)

"No, no. It's Danger. No, it's Randall." (Nsync tv -MTV-)

"We're single and ready to mingle baby!" (Nsync tv -MTV-)

"Don't go nowhere cause I said NO!" (Nsync's Top 40 Videos)

"Are we talking body parts here? I was gonna say confidence!" (MTV's 1515)

"Chris is crazy...he needs ritilan. He's off the wall" (Teen People Magazine)

"I play basketball. That's what I do man.I'm not old enough to go clubbin'!" ('N the Mix video)

"Money...shot!" (All Access)

"Eat, eat, eat all day long, eat, eat, eat while I sing this song. Eat, eat, eat cause it tastes so good!" (All Access)

"You SUCK!!" (All Access)

"I talk in my sleep a lot. My mom used to laugh at me because if she wanted to find out something about me she'd come in while I was sleeping and start talking to me."

"If God isn't a Tarheels fan, then why is the sky Carolina blue?"

"My best friends are the guys in the group...We're really close."

"I'm gettin' jiggy baby!"

"Sometimes we get on eachothers nerves though. We argue about hairstyles, clothing, who gets to talk to the girl first-Joey always wins that one, he's defintiely the flirt of the band."

"Oh my gosh girl, guess what he said!"

"I prefer ladies anytime."

"Food is the way to my heart."

"Men can actually be softer emotionally, than women."

"I was a happy little guy."

"Can I get a Jay-Z."

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