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~* NSync Story *~

Always In Our Hearts

Chapter 1
"WAAAKKKEEE UP!" I heard someone yell and pulling off my thick comfort that was wrapped around me. "What?!? What the fuck are you doing? I'm trying to sleep here, asshole!" I sat up in the middle of my bed and stared at my two older brothers. Growing up with two borthers is not easy, yeah there can be some advantages, but there is a lot of disadvantages. "Nice mouth, Rachel. I suppose you talk to mom like that," my brother, Kevin said. "Bite me, dumbass," I pulled the blanket back and tried to go back to sleep. Again the covers were pulled off and my other older brother Shawn stood before me. "We're warning you, we're leaving with or without you," he picked me up from my bed. squeezing the life out of me. "Shawn, PUT ME DOWN!" I squirmed and fought, but I was no match for someone 20 or 30 pounds heavier than me. He took me to the bathroom where the shower was running. My brother, Kevin held the shower door open. "I hope you enjoy your early morning shower, lil sis." Shawn put me in the shower with ice cold water running down my whole body and they shut the door and held it shut so I couldn't get out. I started to bang on the fiberglass door, screaming my head off. "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA GET WHEN I GET OUT!!" "Yeah, ok, Rachel. Think that," I heard Kevin say. I stopped banging on the door. "FUCK YOU, KEVIN!" "Oooo...are we having a lousy day today?" Kevin teased. "Shut up!Now let me out!" They let go of the door and I walked out of the shower. I fixed the water to the temperature I wanted, went back into my room and shut my door. I pulled out some under garments and went back into the shower. I got out of the shower and dressed up. ~~~~~In the kitchen: I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Kevin and Shawn were already scarfing down their breakfast. "Morning, mom," I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Morning, darling. Sleep well?" "NO! I would have if these little butt heads would let me," I stuck my tongue at them and flicked them off. "You better watch what you do with that finger, Rachel or you end up with only 9 fingers left," she said not even looking at me. "Sorry mom," I said slumping down into one of the table chairs. "What do you think you're wearing?" Kevin said in between chewing. "Clothes, what does it look like?" "That shirt is too revealing, ya know?" Shawn added. "Shut up! Why don't you pay attention to what YOUR girlfriends wear instead of me, ok? And notice that I said 'girlfriends, not girlfriend." I said to Shawn with an attitude. Shawn was about to hit me on the head with his slimy spoon but luckily mom turned around. "Are you all packed, you guys?" mom asked us while drying here hands with a paper towel. "I am, I don't know about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb," I said pointing to my brothers.. **DING DONG** "I'll get it!" Hopping out of my chair, I almost fell backwards. I opened the door and said, nastyliy, "Oh, it's you." "Geez, I would have expect a warmer welcome," Justin said, letting himself in. "Don't count on it, Blondie," I said snotty and walked upstairs. I walked into my room and picked up my floral suitcases and walked back downstairs. I placed my bags at the foot of the stairs and went back into the kitchen. Each of our parent's had given us the summer in Chicago. I grabbed a piece of toast from the plate and pulled piece after piece and popped them in my mouth. "So, I have to be stuck on this trip with all you guys for a week? I don't think I'll be able to survive with all you nagging guys. How could I ever stand you?" "How can we stand you?" Justin said. I gave him a glare and stuck my tongue at him. "Well, we better get going. I wanna get all my bags onto the car and look around before we leave," Jaclyn, JC's girlfriend, said waiting outside. "Ok, I like the sound of that," JC said, wrapping his arms around Jaclyn's neck. We gathered all of our bags and climbed into my Expedition and Chris's Lincoln Navigator. We wanted to take only two cars, so we all crammed into the cars.Laura (mine and Justin's best friend), JC, Jaclyn, Kevin, ,and Kelly all crammed into my Expedition and everyone else tried to cram into Chris's Lincoln Navigator.
chapter 2
~The Airport~ We drove to the airport and and waited for our plane to arrive."So, what's up with you and Justin?" Laura asked. "Nothing," I said looking out the window to watch for our plane. "'s about time!" I said running to the plane. I sat down in seat A' 2 with Laura. "Wow! This place is great. 1st class!" I said in amazement. I looked around the plane and saw everybody else putting their luggage away. I started to bounce in place in my seat with excitement. "The whole damn summer with no parents, just free," I said slumping down on the seat. "Yup." Laura said while putting on her earphones to listen to her walkmen. I got up and walked to the restroom. I saw a blonde poofball coming out of the other restroom."Oh great! Not only do I have to be on the same plane as you, but I have to share the 1st class with you, too!" I said walking in the restroom. "Yep," Justin said, "we're gonna have so much fun, Rachel." 'Yeah, sure' I thought as I was in the restroom. ~~~~~~~~At Chicago: The plane finally arrived at Chicago.It took like 2 to 3 hours at least.We all walked out of the plane, and everybody was wide awake, except for J.C.(Obviously) He was so drowsy, he'd bumped into everybody in front of him. So the guys took him to the restroom at the Chicago airport while all the girls waited."So, what's up with you and Justin?" Jaclyn said. "Why does everyone keep asking me that? Nothing is going on with me and Justin. I've hated him since day one and I still do!" I said in one breath. "Ok, fine. You don't have to tell the truth. You can tell us when you're ready," Jaclyn added. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "So, what have you been up to? I heard about you and Cole," Megan said. "Yeah, I'm doing fine. Cole is long gone in Germany and I don't have to worry about him anymore." "What about the girl?" "Oh, Rebecca? I got suspended for fighting her. Oh my god! That fat bitch pissed me off so much, I swear, if the security hadn't come in time, I would have bashed her head into the brick wall. The week that I got suspended was the week of my birthday too, so Kelly took me out!" "Well, what happened, between you and Cole? Why did he cheat on you?" "Well, he said nothing was working out, but I thought everything was going great. We barely fought and if we did, it would be over stupid little things, like what movie to see or what restaurant to eat at. We always saw each other when we wanted to, and we gave each other space. But I guess I gave him a little too much space. Everything was great, I seriously don't know what happened between us. And I found out that he screwed Rebecca in the bathroom at the damn prom! UGH!!! God, I swear if I see her again, there will be hell to pay!" "Rachel, calm down, you're gonna have a nervous breakdown. After all, you should be having fun. You're done with high school, you're single, and we're at Chicago to spend our summer," Kim said consoling me. "Yeah, you're right. I think I'm about to go get something to drink" I walked to the refreshment center and asked the bartender for a diet coke.When I turned around, I accidentally bumped it into someone."Hey!" I ran into someone, almost knocking us both into the ground. I had my hands on the man's chest and looked up. "Cole, what are you doing here?" I looked up into Cole's baby blue eyes and almost fell in love all over again. Cole was a splitting image of Justin, but the only differences were the Cole had straight hair and his face expressions were different. "I was gonna ask you the same thing, Rachel," Cole said looking down at me. " first," I demanded making distance between us, "Why aren't you in Germany?" "Well, the transfer was canceled, se we stayed and my parents and some friends of theirs took us here.They thought this trip would be a relaxing trip, so far it is though." "Oh, well. I'm glad you're having fun, I gotta go!" I walked past him and walked back to where the girls were all standing. "Geez! They haven't come out yet?" I asked Kelly. "Nope. You know how J.C. gets when he's sleepy. He can barely wake up." I look around and saw Justin. "Hi," he said. "Hi," I said back."Where are the guys?" "Well,they're still trying to get J.C. awake. They're splattering water on his face. Ice cold water," he answered with a chuckle. Then we saw the boys finally coming out. J.C. was rubbing his eyes and yawning. We all got into a taxi. Well, two taxis. Me, ,Kelly Shawn,Justin,Megan,and Kevin was in one and the others were in the other. "So, did anybody know that there's gonna be a formal dinner thing going on tonight?" Drew said. "Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna go, though," I said looking out the window and looking at the beautiful streets of Chicago . "Why not?" Justin said staring at me. "I don't know, just cause." "That's not a very good answer, you're going!" "Excuse me? I get enough shit from my brothers, do I have to get if from you too?" Then both Shawn and Kevin smacked me upside my head at the same time. Kelly laughed. "You will if you don't go with me?" "Oh! Now I'm going with you? What happened to just going?"I said while rubbing my head in pain from the smack. "I'd like to escort a beautiful lady like yourself to a exquisite occasion," he said in formal british voice. I slipped a little laugh. "Well.. lemme think about it, ok?" "I won't take 'no' for answer, just to let you know. So you're going anyway," he demanded. 'Geez, what was his problem? He was acting pretty strange."OK! Fine, Justin. I'll go." "I'll pick you up at say...oh...sevenish?" "Ok, sevenish it is," I said still looking outside the window.
chapter 3
We all stayed at the "Grand Hotel".Me, Kelly, Laura was in a room, Megan, Lance, and Shawn was in one, Justin,Kevin and Joey,and was in another. And Jaclyn, J.C, and Chris was in another.I walked to my bed and turned on the radio.'One in A Million' by Aaliyah blasted from the speakers. "Your love is a one in a million. It goes on and on and on." I sang and dance around the room getting myself pumped up for.... who? 'Oh my god! I thought, 'I'm supposed to be getting ready for Justin.' I sat on the end of the bed and sat there. I wonder if he has the least bit of feelings for me. I got back up and got into the shower. I got out and pulled on black knee length skirt with two slits on each thigh and a black and grey stretchy flowered baby tee. I pulled on some black heels and I put my hair in a french roll and did my make up. Kelly was going with Kevin and Laura was going by herself. She said she didn't want anybody to escort her because she wanted to meet some cuties on her own. Kelly had on a long, sparkly white dress with one slit on the side. Her hair was down but she had some really cute butterfly clips in it. Laura had on a spaghetti strap dress. It was a long, velvet one. Her hair was in twisties. I applied my lipgloss and the doorbell rang. I walked to the door,almost tripping over my high heels. I balanced myself and opened the door. A dozen of red roses were in two guys' face. The roses pulled from their faces and Justin handed them to me. I bit my lip and smiled. "Aww...Justin. You didn't have to do this," then I looked at Kevin. "Um.. Kelly's almost ready. Have a seat and I'll tell her you came." He smiled. "Kelly! Kevin came.Hurry up." I walked to where Laura was standing. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yup," she replied.Finally, Kelly came out. Kevin's eyes opened wide in amazement. "Wow, you look great. Here ya go,sweety," Kevin said handing the roses to Kelly. "Thank you," she said giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Ok, ok. Enough of the sentimental thing. We have to go and get the rest of the guys." I said rushing everybody out the door. "Oh, they already went. They said they'll meet us there." Kevin told me. " Whatever. Let's just go." I said impatiently. I didn't know why I was in such a hurry. But I was.We all headed to Kevin's rented Wrangler Jeep. It was a tight fit,but there was no other way. ~~~~~~~Main room: As I walked into the room, my eyes were amazed. It had chandeliers all over the ceiling, a huge dance floor and two floors of dining tables. It was really neat. We walked to the table that was reserved for us. "Hey guys!" Lance said from his quiet conversation with his long time girfriend, Amy. "Hi," we said in unison. Justin pulled out my chair and I sat down. We all sat and talked for a while, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was looking at Shawn at the moment and when he saw someone tap my shoulder, he gave a dirty look. I looked up and saw Cole. Shawn didn't like Cole at all, nor did Kevin. I saw Shawn whisper something to Kevin and Kevin gave me a look, like 'what the hell is he doing here?' I shrugged my shoulders and looked back up to Cole. "Hi, Cole. What's up?" "I really need to talk to you," I looked at Justin who looked somewhat depressed and then smiled at me. "Sure," I put my napkin down on the table and was about to get up and Justin pushed Cole out of the way to pull out my chair. "Hey, lemme get that," Justin said pulling out my chair. Cole grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room and into the hallway. He was sqeezing my arm and I could feel my arm go numb from his pressure from his arm. "Oww...Cole! You're hurting my ar-" "Shut the fuck up, Rachel!" He said. "Why the fuck were your brothers giving you the look?" "They weren't giving yo-" He grabbed the bottom of my face and squeezed it. "Don't you fucking lie to me, Rachel. You know what happens when you lie to me!" I felt the tears run down my cheeks and couldn't help but, just cry. 'Please, please God! Don't let this start all over again.' I thought. "You're so vulnerable when you're scared," Cole smirked. I held back my remaining tears and yanked his hand from my face. "FUCK YOU!" He looked at me. I knew something was going to happen, because he had this certain look on his face when he gets mad. "What did you say?" He managed to get out. "You heard me, FUUUCCCCK YYYOOOOU!!" I said and walked off. "Don't you walk away from me, Rachel," I looked back and saw him with a very frightening face. "I just did, Cole." "RACHEL!!" I looked back and saw him staring straight at me. I walked faster into the ball room. I stood in front of the table where everyone was talking, having fun. But then Megan and Laura look up at me. "Oh my god! What happened?" Megan asked. 'Oh shit! Do I have bruises on my face and arm?' I thought. Without thinking, I left the table and into the restroom. I looked into the mirror and saw no bruises, just black streaks from my mascara running down my cheeks. I wiped my cheeks and replied my powder and lip gloss. I walked back out into the room. Once I walked into the ball room, I saw Cole sitting with Rebecca and some of my high school friends. I walked up to the table and Justin pulled out my chair and I sat. Shawn and Kevin gave me a look like they both knew I was hiding something, which was true.... I stared into space until I felt everyone staring at me. I gave them a faint smile and looked into a different direction. I looked towards Cole and saw him kissing up on Rebecca. He looked at me and gave me an evil smirk, which gave me chills down my spine. "Rachel?" I looked towards the voice and it was Justin, "You wanna dance?" I showed a little hesitation, but accepted. He took my hand and led me to the floor. We were one of the few couples that were dancing. Megan and Shawn, and Kevin and Kelly all in their little Lands of Happiness. I started to forget what had happened eariler and got more into Justin. 'Sweet Lady' by Tyrese came on and we got closer to each other. I felt so safe with him. I held onto him, like as if I never wanted to let go. I just wanted him to hold me forever and ever. I saw Rebecca and Cole come onto the dance floor and got close to each other. Then after Sweet Lady, 'The Hardest Thing,' by 98*. "I can't let you see what you mean to me, when my hands are tied and my hearts not free," Justin sang quietly into my ear. I rested my head on his shoulder and just listened to his voice flow softly into my ear. After a while, we all headed home.
chapter 4
Laura and Kelly walked to their beds and I fell into the couch and groaned. I turned onto my back and saw the remote and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels and stopped on MTV, where Mya's, 'My First Night With You,' was on. Kelly and Laura went fast alseep. "Yesterday, was not just another day not like before. Yesterday, I saw your smiling face, love walked through my door. One precious moment, changed my life, one tender kiss, made everything right, one touch from you and this world was mine. It was in your arms where I found forever. Cried my first tears of joy, last night. Heaven shined a light, all my dreams came true, my first night with you." I sang quietly. I stood up and walked to my bed. I changed into my p.js and washed my face. I sat back down on the couch and laid my head back. Soon I was fast asleep. ~~~~~~Next day: I awoke to hear screaming outside my door. I got off the couch and walked out of the room. JC, Jaclyn, Lance,Shawn,Kevin, Chris,Kelly,Megan, Laura, Joey, and Justin were running around the hotel. I walked into the hallway and sat on a stool. I rested my head on the cold wall and then I felt someone tap my head. I looked up and saw Lance. "Hey you, whatcha doing?" Lance asked. "Nothing, I'm just," **YAWN**, "just tired, that all," I said stretching my arms in the air. Someone grabbed my sides and started to tickle them. I started to laugh and squirm. I saw Joey, come around. "It's about time you wake up," Joey said. "Shut up! I'm up, ain't I? Why, you got something planned?" "Yeah we were all gonna go to that movies and then go swimming, and we're all waiting for you." "Oh, well, then I'll get ready right now." I got up and walked into my room. I grabbed the clothes I was gonna wear and got into the shower. I climbed out of the shower and got dressed up.I had on a Baby blue tank top and some short shorts. It was hot as hell in Chicago.I walked out and saw a note on the couch and it read: Hey, Rachel. Meet us at the main floor. Love, Lance, Laura and everyone else! I placed the note back onto the couch and walked out. ~~~~~15 minutes later: I arrived at the main floor and saw that everybody was waiting for me.I walked down the hall and turned the corner and saw Rebecca locking her door up and walking towards me. I kept walking, hoping she wouldn't say anything. Well, I was wrong. "That's a good piece of meat you've got, Rachel.Hope you can hold on to him (Justin T)." "Fuck you, Rebecca!" I said walking passed her. I just kept walking. I threw my hands in the air. "UGGHHHH! I HATE THAT BITCH!!" I yelled and headed towards the guys.I tried to hide my anger and walked up to them. "Hi," I said partically cheerful. They looked at me and then my brothers looked at each other, like something was up. "God, took you long enough," Shawn said resting his head on Megan's shoulder. I stood there playing with my hands, acting a little nervous, . "Come on, the others are waiting for us," Nick said pulling Kelly's hand. Everyone else started to leave, but I stood behind. "Aren't you coming, Rach?" Justin asked holding out his hand. "You're the only one I feel safe with," I mumbled, "Yeah," I grabbed his hand and we walked behind Shawn and Megan. "Rachel?" Justin asked while we were walking into the theater to watch 'Big Daddy.' "Hmm?" I said looking to make sure Cole or Rebecca were out of sight. "Why did you say I'm the only one you feel safe with?" I looked at him and felt a little embarrassed. "Umm, it was nothing. Don't worry about," I said sitting down getting comfortable. "Rach, even though we haven't been the best of friends. I still know if somethings wrong with you or not. We've known each other since what? 7th grade?" "Yeah, so?" "Yeah, so? Is that all you have to say? I want to help you, I know something is wrong. Everyone ones knows something is wrong with you. Every since you came back from talking to Cole last night. What is it about him that keeps on making you act all weird?" "It's none of your damn business," I yelled through a whisper. "Rachel, I want to help you. You don't know how much you mean to me." "LOOK I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP, OK? SO WHY DON'T YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE JUST STOP TREATING ME LIKE A GOD DAMN BABY!!! BECAUSE I'M NOT, SO JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" With the ending of those words I got up and left the theater.
chapter 5
"God, I just wish that Cole had never showed up in this world. That way, my life would be much easier, people would stop bugging me about am I alright or not, and most of all, I would never get abused by Cole." I thought to myself. I sat down on the street bench and stared into space.It was getting cold so I wrapped my arms around me to stay warm. All of a sudden, a tear fell down. I was starting to cry.I couldn't believe it... I have never cried since after the age of 7. But I couldn't stand it so I just let it all out. ~sobs~ I had laid my head down onto my arms so that no one could see me cry. Then suddenly, it started to rain.~~Pitter Patter,Pitter Patter~~Cars voomed by, making the puddles of waters flying onto my whole body.It rained lightly at first but then continued heavily.I heard footsteps running behind me but I didn't know who. I just thought it was a stranger."Rachel,are you okay?" Justin asked,tapping my shoulder."GET AWAY!", I screamed. I didn't want anyone seeing me like this and I certainly didn't want anybody seeing me cry."Rachel, what's wrong?Why are you so mad?" Justin said, trying to calm me down. I didn't answer. I figured if I didn't answer, then he would probably go away.But he stayed. "Rachel,if it's what I said in the theater, then I'm sorry. I am just worried about you, that's all. I mean when you came back yesterday into the ball room, you had black streaks running down your eyes and you told everybody you were fine, but I know you're not. So please tell me what happened between you and Cole last night." "Look Justin. It's none of your damn business okay? So please, just please tell everybody including you to STOP asking me that question! Gosh!" I walked away but he pulled me back. He held onto my arm and wouldn't let go. "Get off, Justin", I said softly at first. But he didn't. "GET OFF!"I screamed while trying to get his hands off my arm.But he wouldn't budge.He looked deep into my light brown eyes and I looked in his blue eyes. Something about him made me feel so safe around him. Then out of nowhere, he leaned over to me and kissed me on the lips. I tried to push him away but it was no use. He was too strong for me.He kept kissing me and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to kiss him back, but then he would know that I'm falling for him. No,I can't cause if Cole finds out, he's gonna beat my ass.But feeling Justin's soft, sweet lips against mine felt so good. I couldn't possibly stop him now.So I decide that to kiss him back. Cole wasn't around so I didn't have anything to worry about.Now we were both into it. Then he stuck his tongue into my mouth. My eyes went wide open. He's taking this so fast.What was his rush? But then I pretty soon got used to it and stuck mine in his. Oh! It was so passionate. Then he stopped. "J..Justin, what's wrong?" I said, not wanting the chemistry to end. " I can't, Rachel.There's something I have to tell you. I'm....." Then he stopped. He looked past my shoulders and I felt his eyes in fear. I turned around and to my surprise, I saw Cole. He was grasping his fists and clenching his teeth.His face was bright red and he was soaking wet. He had probably stood there for the whole time. " Wait Cole, I can explain." I said not wanting him to get into a fight with Justin. " Shut the fuck up,Bitch! How could you do that to me?" he said in anger. "What? We're over, Cole! We broke up. You were the one who kept thinking that we still have a relationship." He didn't reply.He stared at Justin for a long time. I knew something bad was gonna happen cause that was the face he gave me when we were arguing in the hallway of the ball room last night. Then he started to stomp towards Justin. "No, Cole! Please don't hurt him. Please!" I grabbed onto his shoulders and tried to stop him. And then ~SLAP~ I was on the floor. He had slapped me hard. And now he was going after Justin. "NO!" I screamed. But it was no use. They were already wrestling on the ground.Blood were flying everywhere, making the puddle of water turning into the puddle of blood. I couldn't stand it. So I limped towards the two guys. My leg had scraped on the concrete and now it was bleeding bad. But I had to stand up and help Justin. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing about it. " No, Cole. Stop it. Stop! Please." But he wouldn't listen. I tried pulling his arms away from Justin but he elbowed me in the jaw instead. All of a sudden, I was bleeding all over. "AAHHHH!" I quickly ran inside the theater and told Joey. "Joey, Joey! Help. You gotta help me." I said, panting. "Whoa, whoa! What happened? You're bleeding all over the place." Megan said. "Cole and Justin's outside fighting. They're fighting. Do something about it! Hurry!" I explained while crying. They rushed outside the theater and I showed them the way. "OH MY GOD!" Laura cried out. Joey quickly ran up to them and pulled Cole away. Shawn helped Justin. "GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF OF ME, MOTHERFUCKER! THAT ASSHOLE KISSED MY GIRL!" Cole screamed out while trying to fight Joey off. " Damn, Cole! You and Rachel are over. Get it through your big head!"Jaclyn said. Then he stood there silent, studying Justin. Cole's bottom jaw was bleeding and there was blood coming out of his cheek. "UGH!" Then he walked away. I stood there crying not knowing what to say to Justin. "Sorry," I finally said. Justin gently rubbed his hands on my cheek. His hands were bleeding badly and his forehead had been scraped on the concrete.There were bloody scars on his arms. "I'm sorry I took so fast into that kiss. It's just that I wanted to kiss you before I.......I. Then all of a sudden, he fainted. "Get him to the hospital! Quick!" J.C. said. "Before you what?" I said softly to myself while the rest were all helping Justin into the car. From then on, I knew something was wrong.We all got into Chris's rented Lincoln Navigator and drove away.It was a tight fit but we had to do it.
chapter 6
~ At The Hospital~ "I hope he's alright" J.C. said. "Yeah, I know. He's already been suffering enough from the dis....UGH....What the hell you do that for?" "Shut up,Shawn! Rachel's here." Kevin said quietly while he elbowed Shawn on the side of his stomach. But too bad I overheard them. " What? What are you guys talking about?" I said nervously. "Why are you guys keeping secrets from me?Is it what he was gonna tell me outside the theater before he fainted?" There was total silence."Hello? Say something! What is wrong with Justin?" I said impatiently. "Umm.. Rachel,I'm afraid we have some bad news. Justin...He's...umm..,"Joey said nervously. "He's what? How come Kevin knows and Shawn know,but I don't know? What is it? What's wrong with him?" I said anxiously. "Rachel,girl, we told Kevin and Shawn cause we know that you won't believe what we're about to tell you now." Jaclyn said. "Well, will somebody just tell me?" I screamed. I felt a tear coming down my cheeks." "Rachel, honey. Justin's dying." " Oh my god!" I gasped."No! He can't be. He was fine when we went to the ball and to the theater.No! It just can't be." I screamed. ~sobs~ "He didn't want you to know cause he didn't want you to worry....He has cancer....Lukemia."Chris said patting my shoulder. ~Thought~ Oh so that was why he was rushing into kissing me. ~End Thought~ "Well when did you guys know?" "A few months ago," Kevin said. "What? That long? Ya'll have been keeping that secret from me for months now? Gosh!" I ran outside to get some fresh air and to think some things through. "Gosh! I can't believe nobody told me!" I said out loud. A few moments later, Jaclyn came out and sat next to me. "Rachel, girlfriend. The docter said Justin's in a coma,but we can go in there and see him. Do you wanna come?" "What do you think? No. I can't see him like that. I mean, he didn't even tell me this horrible news. And now he expects me to go in there and see him? Hell no." "But Rach, listen. Justin needs you right now. He needs you more than anything. He didn't want you to worry about him just because he has cancer." "What?!? How can I not worry about him?He has cancer for God's sake!" "Fine.Suit yourself. But I think you're making a big deal over this for no reason. He just didn't want you worry about him. And I also think that you're gonna regret it if he passes away and you didn't even get the chance to say goodbye." And with that,Jacyln walked back inside.~Sobs~ "He's gonna die," I said softly to myself.~sobs~
chapter 7
~Back in the Hospital~ "Hey,Justin. This is Megan. How ya doing buddy? Hope ya feel better."Megan said while crying. "Hey.You remember me? Kelly.God,Justin. I can't believe this is happening.We have been friends for so long. Please don't go out on me now." "It's okay, sweety,"Kevin said wrapping his hands around Kelly's waist. "Hey,what's up,Justin?Hey man.Don't go out on us now.We need you right now." Joey said actually crying in between as he was saying those words. Then Jaclyn came in the door. "Where's Rach? Is she okay?"Chris asked. "Yeah, she's okay.But she don't want to see Justin just yet. By the look on her face and the tone of her voice, she's too mad." "Well just give her some time."Shawn said. " Yeah, well. We need to give Justin some space too. C'mon. Let's go.I'll take ya'll home." Chris said. Just as everybody went out the door, they saw me. "Rachel, we're just about to go.You gonna come with us?" J.C asked. "Uh..No. I'll just catch the metro. You guys go ahead." I said looking through the window where Justin was laying. "Okay. Be careful." Laura said. I walked in the door where Justin was resting. "Hi,Justin. It's Rach. How ya doing?" ~ sobs~ "God ,I can't believe you didn't tell me, Justin.I thought we were friends." I wrapped my hand around his and squeezed it tight. I didn't want to let him go out of my life.I loved him. "I love you.I know we just started liking each other,but I do.Really.I know we have had our bad times but we've had a our good times too. I'm sorry for every mean thing I've ever said to you. Please forgive me.The truth is that I started falling for you when we were dancing together last night.Dancing.Gosh,I wish it could all happen again.It feels so good just to be next to you and in your arms.You make me feel so safe.~pause~ I'm really sorry for what happen between you and Cole. Cole is such a fucking troublemaker.Even though we broke up, he still think that we go together. I'm so sorry I over-reacted. Last night when me and Cole went outside the ball room, we talked. But eventually,he started cussing and hitting me for no fucking reason at all. I hate him! I hate him! I hate him for what he's done to me and I hate him for what he's done to you.I'm sorry.I'm so sorry." Then all of a sudden,his hands were moving. "J..Justin." "Rach.....," Justin said stuttering a little bit. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. I'm sorry for rushing into kissing me....I just wanted to know how it feels like to kiss my long time crush before I die.And finally I found out.Thank you." And with that Justin stopped. He couldn't say nothing else.He was having trouble breathing. "Justin,what's wrong?" His hands and body were shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't stand seeing him like this so I pulled the door open and yelled for the docter. "Help! Help,docter!Come quickly.I think he's..." But before I could finish my sentence, a docter and two nurses rushed into Justin's room, pushing me out of the way. The nurse shutted the door on me and told me I had to wait outside. 'God,please don't die,Justin! I need you. I need you,' I thought to myself as I sat down and waited for the doctors to finish checking on him. Then I decided to call everybody and tell them about Justin."OMG! Is he in operation or something?Why did they push you outta the way?That was rude!" Lance said when I told him what had happened. " No,he's not in surgery.I guess they were just worried about him or something, but don't worry about me, worry about Justin. We don't even know if he's gonna be alive."I said while staring at the floor. I played around with the cord and they said they were gonna come as soon as possible. 15 min. later,everybody came and the docters were still in Justin's room. I wonder what's taking so long? They's been in there for a long time. We all sat down and waited for about 20 more minutes when all of a sudden, the docter came out with Justin lying on a roller. "Docter,docter. What's wrong with Justin? Is he gonna die?" Kelly asked as the docter rolled Justin into the operation room. "Well we're afraid that Justin needs to be checked in the surgery room. That way we could take a better look at his problem. He has Leukemia. So we're getting ready to take some serious look at him. Don't worry. He'll be just fine.Oh yeah. Which one of you is Rachel?" the docter said. I raised my hand and stood up. "Yes ,docter?" "Well, Justin wanted me to tell you this while we were in his room. He said to tell you that he's sorry too and he loves you more than anything.Please forgive him for not telling you he had cancer.He doesn't want to die with you not being able to forgive him." the docter said. I stood there not knowing what to say. "Tell him I'll forgive him. Tell him I love him too." I finally said looking at the docter.Then the docter rushed into the surgery room but I had a wierd feeling in my stomach. Something was not right.
chapter 8
~Half An Hour~ Me,Lance,Chris,Joey,J.C.,Laura,Kelly,Shawn,Jaclyn,Megan and Kevin all waited for the surgery to end.And finally, it did. The docter came out and walked towards us. "Docter,docter.How was it?Is Justin alright?"Jacyln bursted out. The docter paused for a while and shook his head. "I'm sorry.We tried our best." and then walked away. We were in shock. "NO!!!!JUSTIN!! ~SOBS~......NO." Laura shouted out. Her face was bright red and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Lance kept on hitting his head on the wall when he heard the horrible news.He kept muttering something to himself. J.C. bowed his head down, thinking back when they were younger and in the Mickey Mouse Club.They had the best of times. "I can't believe this actually happened." J.C said quietly to himself. Megan started crying and threw her arms around Shawn.Shawn wrapped his arms around Megan and weeped quietly.Chris immediately sat back down when he heard that Justin had passed away. He put his face in his hands and started crying. "I can't believe one of my best friend just died.The friend that did almost anything with me.Pulled pranks,talk about each other and just have fun.GOD!" He screamed out loud.Joey saw how everyone was reacting and tears filled his eyes. He leaned against the wall and just stood there not knowing what to do or what to say when one of his best friend had just died. Kelly, also one of Justin's oldest friend,looked shocked like everybody else.She leaned back onto the wall next to Joey and and sank down next to his feet. Then she started crying. Kevin sat down next her and wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. She leaned her head onto his shoulders and then a single tear fell down Kevin's right eye.Jaclyn stared into space. She wasn't even saying a word.She didn't cry but by the look on her face, I knew deep inside her heart was crying. When I heard the news, my knees fell down onto the hard floor. My heart sank like the Titanic.As I was kneeling down, I thought to myself that it was all my fault.I was the one who didn't do anything when he and Cole were fighting.I was the one that was mean to him all these years.IT'S ALL MY FAULT! ~sobs~. As I was on the floor,I cried my heart out and blaming myself for his death. We all just sat there in the hospital in total silence. Nobody said a word or did anything. Everything was silent and still for about 10 minutes. The silence ended when Joey spoke. "C'mon, everybody. I know we're all dissappointed about what had just happened to Justin. But we have to move on with our lives. We'll always remember him and keep him in our hearts forever and always." Everybody looked up with red eyes.Everybody has been crying. We stood up and started walking towards the exit. We got in Chris's rented Lincoln Navigator and drove away. That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how Cole and Justin were fighting and when me and him kissed. And when we were dancing in each other arms.He was all the man a girl could ever wanted. He was there for me when I was feeling down, he would make me laugh, and most of all, he was the bestest friend I ever had. Then I thought back when we had heard the terrifying news.Then I realized that Joey was right.Even though he's gone,he'll always be in our hearts.~sobs~ " I love you, Justin." I said softly while lying on my bed. "I love you." Then I started crying. I cried for so long,that I cried myself to sleep.

This story was wrote by two girls named Lisa and Athena

~ Fan Ficton
