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District 3 Spring 2001 Conference Photos
Photography by Stefan Petra, ATM
Photographs by Janice Winscot on Page 2

The following images are unretouched, unedited, original 1.2 pixels (approx. average file size 50k) 640x480
digital photographs. They are displayed here for your enjoyment and for use in Club Newsletters and
District 3 Toastmaster publications.

To download a photo, hold the mouse over the desired picture, right click the mouse button to display the
appropriate menu window, select "Save Image" from the choices presented. The photographs can be edited
(lightened, darkened, cropped, resized, etc.) in a photo editing program.

If you chose to use a photo, it is appropriate to give proper credit to the photographer (Stefan) and the source (d3tm_enews)
Thanks, Glenn Pike, DTM

The first time you view this page, you may want to take a coffee break, have lunch, or find other ways to
not watch as each picture slowly loads, unless of couse, you are fortunate enough to have a high speech connection.

District 3 logo design by Glenn Pike, DTM